An Unpleasantness of spammers.

Just logged on to find 4-1/2 pages of spammers registering. What Joy. Make that 5 pages of them, seem to be from China,and Turkey so can’t we block those for awhile till they get bored, and move on?

I do like the new spam-o-matic thread tool. Highlight a post, select the tool and it bans the spammer, causes all their posts to vanish completely and submits their details to an anti-spam service. Only problem is you can’t do it from the new posts search screen…

I notified Procyon, and he broomed them out the door pretty quickly.

Are they able to post or are they just registering and never posting?

I just finished upgrading vbulletin to the latest version.

This bunch do not work to a specific method other than registering in large numbers. Some will post immediately, some come back later. At times there have been as many as 5 posts on the boards, and between two to ten in moderation. This is not a constant condition, but when they are busy, it will be as I described. It has been less active the past few days, until this afternoon. The spam posts are usually for clothing, or accessories, shoes etc. Michael Kors products, coach outlet, Louis Vuitton and Christian Louboutin being chief among them. The fewer Viet Namese posts are generally for gaming software, or sites. for awhile, the site was crawling.

I’ve made a couple of changes to the registration page hoping it will further deter bots from registering.