And now for something completely different ...

Zionists and German and Italian fascists got along just fine. See chapters with Italy, Germany and Hitler in title.

Oh holy jesus.
Nice links Rising Sun. By this way soon we wuold like the D.Irving and Co sites.

I only found out about the site from listening to serious government radio here today. Brenner was interviewed and didn’t come across at all as a nut or zealot. He’s Jewish and certainly not anti-Semitic, but he’s highly critical of the Zionists. I was listening to what he said about various links between Zionists in Italy and Germany between the wars and it was all new and interesting stuff.

It’s not relevant to this forum, but one of the links he makes is that many of the Zionists in Israel, and those promoting Israel as the Jewish homeland before it got statehood, were also fascists and had been trained by the European fascists between the wars.

What is relevant to this forum is that at a time when other Jews were having various difficulties in Nazi Germany, some of the Zionist organisations had formal links with the Nazi government and were not treated like the other Jews. It contradicts a lot of impressions we have about the attitude of Nazis to the Jews, as they weren’t consistent in their approach to the Zionist organisations. Maybe Hitler thought it was worth supporting them if it meant they would leave Germany? If so, and if migration to Palestine had been possible, maybe the Holocaust could have been avoided.

Anyway, I think it’s worth reading with an open mind as it’s not in the David Iriving Holocaust-denying category but seems to reveal something new about the subject.

(P.S. In this thread, I’m not sure that “Holy Jesus” is appropriate. :slight_smile:

i.e. you wish to admit the Hitled did not want to exterminate the jews by the Holocaust, but this is just the “victims of circumstances” - they did not wish to emigrate to the Palestine voluntarely.
If it so then the theory of Holocaust could be loosen in its basis :wink:

Anyway, I think it’s worth reading with an open mind as it’s not in the David Iriving Holocaust-denying category but seems to reveal something new about the subject.

Indeed this source is not much far from the revisionists points.
But you are right - this is definately something new ,being the new argument of revisionism.


have not you heard about this controversial issue regarding the relationship of Zionists and Germany?

Vadim Kozhinov wrote an article (in russian) on this issue “The german fhurer and the king of israelites” about relashions between Chaim Weizmann, the President of the World Zionist Organization and the first President of Israel, and Germany during WW2.

Германский фюрер и «царь иудейский»