Another Japanese Schindler - Japanese Forces | Gallery

Another Japanese Schindler

Chiune Sugihara served as Japan's Vice Consul in Lithuania during the war, and was responsible for the rescue of several thousand Jews from the Nazi death camps. Along with a few colleagues, he has been considered to have been a "Japanese Schindler" because of the courageous actions he took to help save innocent victims from the evils of a perverted regime. Despite Japan's alliance with Germany, it's government did not adhere to the supremacist ideas of the Nazis, and thus men like Sugihara were able to send rescued Jews to live in safety in Asia, taking great personal risks to ensure that these people were safely smuggled to freedom. Following the war Sugihara was honored in Israel's monument to "The Righteous Among the Nations", declaring him to have been a friend and savior for many hundreds of Jews in Eastern Europe.

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Good men can befound any where if you take the time to look. His family must be very proud of him. I hope given the opportunity I would do the same and not back away.