Another turnout

I been holding this question since I started.What would happen if the Axis won and not the Allies.

I like this thread because it really gets you thinking. Well anyways if the
germans and the Axis powers would have won, chaos would break out in Europe, Russia, and Africa. Then their would be Nutzi rule in these countrys. Which would lead to more concentration camps and death camps. This is just a little of what could have happend. If they did win I bet war would breakought in the next ten years after the war. Good thing they did not win because I could not imagine what would happen if they won.

True,it would be very bad if that ever happens,but my guess the jews would have a uproar and start a reballation and have a huge war.

I would not agree with the jewish people statement. Because in World War2 during Nazi rule the Jews were almost extinced in Europe.I do not thank they would fight back. Because of the spirit they would have after they would here that Germany has won. Maybe smaller groups would fight back but I do not think all of them would fight back and win.

Good question. Churchill believed that the world would have been plunged into the abyss of another Darkage. Personally, I fail to see how they could have won, but that’s a question for another day.

Concur. For the Axis to win requires the US to join them for there to be a snowball-in-an-incubator chance. That didn’t happen in @, and there are very fundamental reasons why it is very hard indeed to conceive of a way for it to happen.
If it doesn’t happen, then no matter how well Germany does on the battlefield it will eventually lose. The very longest it can survive is up to about 1950, and in that case it will be destroyed by the US in a nuclear holocaust.

The Germans were very lucky to lose the war as quickly as they did…

That is why I said they would lose within the next ten years after the war. The reason being is that the allied powers that were not controlled by the Axis powers would eventually have war against the Axis powers. Then the Axis powers would lose because of the destruction of Germany’s buildings, factorys. and etc during world war2.

I take your point, GS. However, the initial question was if the Axis powers had won. Therefore the allies, all of them, are presumed to be defeated.

If the U.S. had not entered the war, then I would put forward the scenario where Arctic Convoys would be transporting T34’s to Britiain so that British and Colonial troops could start up a second front in Western Europe. Finish up with a defeated Germany and a Soviet occupied Europe. There begins WW3.

If the US are involved (as they were), the rest is history.

For the sake of discussion, let’s imagine a scenario where the allies are defeated by Germany.

The U.S. withdraw to lick their wounds, reorganise and re-equip, and then we move into the situation as you describe…correct?

Returning to the initial question. Germany wins. They dominate the world. They rewrite history(as victors do) they are no longer the bad guys. A couple of generations on we have a brave new world, where Hitler and his accomplices are remembered as heroes of the Reich and modern civilisation. There is no more Genicide - that has been completed, covered up and blamed on the allies. The United States of Earth(The Thousand Year Reich) are busy selling their nation building myth in order to unite the people’s of the world under whoever happens to be Furher. The people of the world will have been liberated from the tyrany of the USA the UK and the USSR (communism and democratic, constitutuional government) to live freely as good National Socialists.

Oh Bravo that’s nice fantasy…Thanks.
My blood freeze up to think what’ would be if Nazy won, becouse the slav peoples should be first who were “sentenced to die”.


Pleased you enjoyed it, Chevan. I elaborated, a little, while you were posting. :smiley:

Well, for speculation to mean anything, one would have to elaborate a bit on a few factors. For, example, what exactly does ‘winning’ mean? How exactly is that accomplished? For example, the only way Japan could possibly have ‘won’ would have been to not attack the US in the first place. So perhaps they go ahead and attack the European colonies in SE Asia (Malaysia, Dutch East Indies etc.) but avoid open conflict with the US for an extended period. Otherwise it’s pretty difficult to conceive of a scenario where Japan doesn’t get crushed by the US.

Germany was a different story though. One might imagine a scenario where Germany manages to defeat the Soviet Union and dominate Europe. Britain might or might not still exist as a separate entity. If that is how you define Germany ‘winning’, then it is possible that you end up with a Cold War with Nazi Germany taking the place of the USSR - however with even more brutality and killing (racially motivated).

“What would happen if the Axis won and not the allies?”

The question doesn’t ask ‘how’ they won. At least it is livening up a little. :smiley:

Wow,i would never thought of that.:shock:

The odds were actually in favor of the axis for a while before they made some monsterous and incomprehensible blunders. The thing people seem to be forgetting is that the Soviet Union was very hostile towards the west. People know about the whole cold war thing presumably.

In World War II the Germans made the enormous blunder of not mobilizing for war until very late. Another problem is that thanks to the idiocy of the Germans world war II became largely a contest of evil vs evil (USSR vs third reich) rather than good vs evil. The bad guys wasted a great deal of energy fighting each other instead of the democracies.

You bring up an interesting topic. Good vs. Evil. I’ll probably get a lot of flak for this, but I personally think that WWII, on a wholly spiritual level, was a fight between Good vs. Evil.

I can only guess what the world would have been like if the axis powers had won, and I don’t think it would have been a very nice place to live. There are many examples of what the world could have been like if Hitler had accomplished his New World order. I think all of us know someone who was born with a disabity, or special needs of some kind. I think that we can all agree that these people bring a special brand of magic and innocence to this world that is badly needed. They bring out the best in us because of their innocent and trusting natures. They look at the world through wide and wondering eyes and remind us that there is beauty to behold in even the most simple of moments. We glory in their smallest triumphs and cry for their defeats. They are perfect in their imperfections, and we are perfect when we love them for their imperfections. Hitler’s homongenous idea of perfection did not allow for the continued existence of people with special needs, and it is hard for me to imagine a world without them. When I do imagine such a possibility, it makes me especially grateful that the Allies won the war.

How could you receive any ‘Flak’ for such a moving statement? It reinforces one’s belief in what is good and worth preserving in our little, turbulent world.

Anyway, a little Flak is good for the adrenalin!

The biggest conflict in world war II was Nazi Germany vs the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was evil like Germany. Had Soviet involvement in the conflict been relatively minor things could be viewed differently but as it stands the Germans suffered most at the hands of fellow evil-doers rather than the good guys.

The Soviets had a hand in beginning the war by coluding with Hitler to invade Poland. Also, the people of the Soviet Union suffered dearly at the hands of their own masters. However, the vast majority of the soviet people were of peasant stock and wanted nothing more than to live in peace and get on with their farming etc. They defended their homeland vigorously after having suffered terrible atrocities at the hands of the Nazi invaders. Stalin led a regime which he made evil by the power of his personality, but that is not to say that his people were evil. Many good Russian soldiers, both male and female, motivated by the desire to rid their country of the Nazi evil, sacrificed themselves, not for Stalin, but for their Motherland and its people. So, yes, they were good guys.

I dont recall that the soviet union was evil at all.The US and Russia were allies and friends.

Maybe in some ways the Soviet Union was as evil. But not overall. The Soviet Union did join Germany when invading Poland. That is one reason they are the same for invading Poland.

The Soviet Union took action after they were invaded by the German Army. Then signed alliance with the allies.
That is a reason why they are not evil.

Even thoe the Soviet Union was communiast and if you lived in America you would thank as them as bad people to be under that religion. (At least some of, not all of them.) But if you were raised any communiast family you would not know any better to switch your religion if you wanted to.

Even thoe Nutzis in Germany were far more harsh then communiast in the Soviet Union. I can see why somebody could see why they would thank they would be the same in Evil. But if you put the facts together you would probably change your mind on that remark.