Anti-Tank Rifle display at the Patton Museum

While visiting the Museum I captured a short video of the display of A.T. rifles. (would be nice if they had more examples…)

The classic ones are there, nice video and nice to hear your voice too.

Thank you my friend, there were lots of people around, so I couldnt speak very loudly, They do have a nice collection, but some pieces are in storage. They have two of the 1918 Tank Gewehr, one in the display, and another as part of an exhibit showing a British mk.1 tank IIRC. Its nice to see them side by side,easier to compare that way. I was there to see Cobra King, and had a bit of time to look around before going to the restoration facility. I posted that video in the M-4 thread of the American military section. they have an amazing collection of contemporary tanks, and a good number of WW 2 German stuff in the back lot.

Yea, I did browse the Cobra king clips, you need to put more of those nice vids in your channel.

I might be able to get in to see cobra king again, not certain though,(I may have to trade them a days work on it… ) I will be putting more clips on my channel as the Summer progresses.