Anyone buying this????

Wolfgang Von Gottberg claims that he served in the Waffen SS. Also states that he will turn 80 this year. That would make him 18 in 45. Also his bday happens to be June 22…launching of Operation Barbarossa. Just all seem a bit odd.

Also he states location as Vermont, USA yet…

Americans very rarely ever refer to themselves as Yanks. Even those that might have been born in another country.

Not me, but until he did not provide a clare bullshit or broke some forum rules…

was actually born in Austria

And yes, they came knocking on my door saying basically:

“You are Wolfgang Gottberg, correct? How would you like to join the Waffen-SS? Oh, no? Well we have papers here giving exact identification that your mother and sister are half Jewish, oh well then. I guess we can either take them away or you can come with us, ja ja?”

I was recruited and while I was gone, they took my sister and my mother to Auschwitz

Hmmm… this start to smell fishy. :shock:

While stories like this are not totally wild. Had a German friends who’s Uncle went thru problems like that above. But find it and some of his other things to be a bit sketchy…also he is posting alot at once. Our one vet we know to be authentic vcs-ww2 visit alot but usually only posts for clarity on issues.

Plus he didnt specify where in Austria he came from. All these little things are" starting to smell fishy" to me.

Also might add that Auschwitz was liberated on Jan 27 so he had to join before this date for his family to be deported there. So im wondering how hard up the Waffen SS was to recruit someone who had just turned 17 in the end of June.

Alright im finally claiming BULLSHIT

Wolfgang Gottberg happens to be the fictional character.

Maybe I can have my friend test his German skills!

Now what we going to do ?

Well I cant respect anyone that impersonates veterans. So ill have my friend write something for me in german with some of the inconsistancies ive mentioned. See how he responds. Hate to offend someone that is actually a vet but this is to much.

One more from Battlefield1942 thread:

Do you think that any veteran would reply so quickly on a game thread?? Check the posts of our genuine veteran brought by ww2admin and check his posts. You’ll notice the difference.

Also if he fought in Normandy he would have been just turned 17 (depending on when he got there). 9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen didnt arrive in the area untill June 26. Find that a bit young for those days.

Is pretty clare to me that he is a liar. Is worth to erase his messages or what ?

I just wrote a message im going to have my girlfriend translate into german stating the problems we have. Ill have it translated and pmed and posted soon.

There’s no need GS…

Blah, bla, blah, he forgot to tell us what a discusting liar he is.

Did he make that apology in public…coz if he wont then I say we ban him. Im okay with him staying if he makes a public apology. Even thou still not happy about it.

Not sure if that was a pm or not Dani and didnt have time to check. I gave him 2 infraction points because he did finally admit it and he does seem to have a passion for learning about ww2. So ill give hime the benefit of the doubt. Im sure he will get some fire from the members for what he did but if he can take that and admit his wrongs then ill give him the chance to stay.

Yea so noticed the public apology. Anyhow still deserves the infraction points. He sent me a PM concerning it as well. So just thought if there is no problems then we can put this one to rest.

Maybe we should award people for fake vet busting. :smiley:

Good job on the work…hope ppl will come to the conclusion that we will nail you sooner on later if your a fake.

I would kick this kid so hard the he will cross the Atlantic.

Hey if you want to give the kid shit thats your perogitive. Im giving him the benefit of the doubt because he came clean. Im still very disappointed with him. He may end of leaving on his own accord. Some member have been postive to his apology while others are not going to be. Personally I think its extremely insulting to those that served in ww2. However im not going to get mad if ppl give him crap. No need for out right insults … please try to behave.

Im willing to hear all sides of the story from you guys but things called for a quick fix. This was the best I could come up with temporaily.

Naaa…I too pulite for insults , aniway I guess that with the infraction points should be enough, I will try to forgive.