Anyone has AOE 3?

i have designed a map that is about the 7 years war. you as the English has to attack an important New France fort, Louisbourg

Louisbourg is a fort that protects ships from France, making sure the ships can be arrived to the capital of new france, quebec city. It also served as a naval base where ships can be attacked settlers in New England. After the fort has been totally destroyed by the English in 1758, The capital of New France also fall into England’s hand next year.

Why dont you scan and post the map? :smiley: I’d very much enjoy seeing it!

Why dont you scan and post the map? :smiley: I’d very much enjoy seeing it![/quote]
sure, if i can make it look nice, right now it serves to be entertain more than anything. British base, halifax is very far from new france fort, but i cant make such big map in the game, so i have to make those two towns pretty close.
The new fort actually waste her mother country tons of resources. canadian government has spend billion of dollars to recreate it, only to recreate a few percent of the fort.
the fort itself is surrounded by super strong wall, which is sloped armour to deflect shots from naval cannon, however, only the surface of the wall is made of strong material, the inside is actually compose of inferior material. when the war occurs, british troops has able to destroy the entire wall just by destroying part of the wall, the wall self destruct by itself. The British destroyed the entire fort at the end.