Arab-Israeli Conflict Forum?

I was wondering if we might be better served with a separate Arab-Israeli sub-forum in the “Other Wars” section?

I’m not sure that topics like the thread on the USS Liberty really belong in the Cold War forum…

Just a thought.


Not a bad idea, but IIRC only General Sandworm has the power to do it. In the meantime, Cold War is the best place to put it as the whole Arab-Israeli conflict is in many ways one of the cold war proxy wars.
The one concern I would have is that it may turn into a flamefest, much like the Falklands forum was in the early days.

I share this concern. I don’t want to read shit about evil Zionist Jews or filthy baby-killing Arabs…

But there is much relevant discussion regarding the wars and the weapons systems employed…

True, but it also has unique features which lead back to WWI and WWII and the consequent problems flowing from the creation of Israel, as well as a series of wars starting in 1948.

The one concern I would have is that it may turn into a flamefest, much like the Falklands forum was in the early days.

Only in the early days? :smiley:

A reasonable concern, but the Liberty thread hasn’t gone off the rails on that score.

Whether there is enough interest to sustain a new section is debatable.

The one concern I would have is that it may turn into a flamefest, much like the Falklands forum was in the early days

Sorry to desagree, The Malvinas trhead is not a flame fest.

It would be nice to have an Arab-Israeli Conflict Forum.

The Korean War and Vietnam War were Cold War proxy wars, yet they have their own forums.

It isn’t NOW. It was when it started, and needed a lot of moderator attention to keep it on track.

I think this is a good idea…there seems to be enough interest for one. Im a bit busy now but ill try and get that up ASAP.

Please feel free to continue posting your thoughts and concerns!

It isn’t NOW. It was when it started, and needed a lot of moderator attention to keep it on track

Oh…those are 2 well identified flammers :cool:, But there is Topics that I am particulary proud of.

I/m not sure about “evil Zionist shit” however i think this is a godd idea guys to creat the split subforum-thread about Arab-Isreal crimes and Zionists reaction of it;)
At least the Liberty is good issue for that

I spoke too soon.

Yeah, I was rather disappointed at that. I may reopen that thread in future, but only after I’ve deleted quite a number of posts that were WAY off topic and turning it into a flamefest.

I’ll also have to check the forum rules as I suspect a number of members were sailing rather close to the wind with regards to what is permissible on here - some of that discussion looked distinctly dodgy to me.

Well, I might be an offender there.

Please be gentle with me. :smiley:


FWIW, I think there are some topics like Holocaust denial that are just going to generate strong reactions and pointless responses (I’m guilty of both in the Liberty thread). Pointless in the sense that they won’t change the other person’s opinion, and just plough up ground that’s been ploughed up for over sixty years, and will be for another six hundred probably.

There’s plenty of other sites for deniers and their opponents to slug it out.

I’m not sure what this forum’s rules on it are but, if it’s not already a ‘no go’ area it might be better to make it one.

That inevitably requires some arbitrary judgments about what is and isn’t within the banned area, but that’s what you lucky mods are there for. :smiley:

Indeed. Note also that I’m a very new mod and am still feeling my way on this one - requires a bit of discussion with the other members of the headshed methinks!

FWIW, I think you’re doing alright.

One of the virtues of this board is that it allows pretty substantial topic drift and a bit of fun, unlike some other military history sites where discussion is shut down the moment it strays off a narrow topic rather than being allowed to develop and, where appropriate, split. They get very boring.

On the other hand, there are some profitless discussions that might as well be terminated once they’re going on a fixed course to nowhere. The Liberty was one of them.

FWIW, I think you’re doing alright.

One of the virtues of this board is that it allows pretty substantial topic drift and a bit of fun, unlike some other military history sites where discussion is shut down the moment it strays off a narrow topic rather than being allowed to develop and, where appropriate, split. They get very boring.

On the other hand, there are some profitless discussions that might as well be terminated once they’re going on a fixed course to nowhere. The Liberty was one of them.

Yeah, I don’t know what happened there…:smiley:

Me neither. :wink:

The Liberty thread, sans gas chambers etc, is still a good thread that should be reopened.

What do you think of Obadiah Shoher’s views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that’s alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think? uh, here’s the site in question: Middle East conflict