Arabs / Muslims seen differently

Some sections of the Arab world ain’t the top of my pops, from the male dominated medieval fundamentalist Islamic thugs in Saudi Arabia to the semi-medieval Lebanese criminals my country foolishly imported a few decades ago and even more foolishly won’t deport now, due to their support for a certain major political party :evil: :evil: :evil: (where the other major political party supports the Italian Mafia and keeps that scum here :evil: :evil: :evil:), but this show which aired here tonight is worth watching to challenge popular perceptions of Arabs and Muslims.

It would have been better balanced if it showed how the poor bloody Palestinians have been screwed much more thoroughly on the ground since the mid-20th century by their Arab mates than Hollywood ever managed to do, but it wasn’t focusing on the larger picture.

Some of the images in the above program reminds me of the BBC documentary “The Power of Nightmares.”