Archive - China and Taiwan

Just thought id make a post to see what you all thought about the situation in Taiwan.

Brief description: Alot of people fleed to Taiwan after the communist takeover in China. Though technically Taiwan is part of China they would probably like to be independent. China has recently said that if Taiwan makes any more steps toward independency they are prepared to invade. Just kinda wanted to know if you thought anything about this? Good or Bad?

Bad, very bad for democracy and for Taiwan, but very very good for Chinese communists. I don’t think that US and UN will allow an invasion.
And, come on, technically Taiwan is a part of China, but which China? Empire or Communists China? :lol: :lol:

It all sounds pretty stupid to me. I just kinda feel if they did invade and the world doesnt do something then what hold them back. This isnt the only area China claims to own. I know China has been building up quite a bit militarly for the possiblity of invasiion. Im not so sure about what Taiwan has done militarly or whom might come to their aid. I would hate to think a major conflict would come out of this scenario. If the US were to get involved I think peace talks with North Korea would be impossible. So there would be another conflich waiting to happen. The US would be to thinly spread out across the world. The UN will have to would have to take this one.

I do not think American would risk her soldiers life just to save an island, what good can it possible give american for defending taiwan? I think the way to protect Taiwan is to continue selling weapons to Taiwan, America is going to dump those weapons anyways, why not selling them for cheaper price instead of negotiating for such a long time and achieve nothing ( i didnt support the aid from american NOT because i am from Hong Kong, i personally hate the Chinese communist government for not allowing us to have elections in 07/08 ). China is a powerful country and peace talk would only make them stronger, if i am american president, i would NOT give China any chance to involve in peace talk like that, and i would NEVER treat China any better in exchange of their support in terrorism. The US can bypass the entire UN to invade Iraq anyways, why bother ask for their support to give China a chance to become an stronger nation?

acutally taiwan belongs to China a long time ago, however, things have changed today and people of Taiwan dont want to be part of china no more, i think china should respect the people of Taiwan and see if things would change in the future, becuase threatening your own people (as the chinese government claimed) would not help the relationship between taiwanese and chinese

(i read the news about a really small island in europe, it belongs to england a few hundred years ago, spain took it by force about two hundred years ago. Now England wants to take back the island, but the people in the island has voted to stay with Spain, so England has to let go of the island)

And if China destroys Taiwan there will be no products for us to buy. Coz everything is made in Taiwan :smiley:

but china is the “factory for the world” , although they hire cheap labour which i hate so much

Taiwan should say:

“You don’t frighten us, Chinese pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called “Wen Jiabao King,” you and all your silly Chinese K-nig-hts.”

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Monty Python rocks

sorry, no offense, can you explain whats that suppose to mean?
sorry :?

Its a line (re-edited by me) from Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. A must see English Comedy. One of my favorite movies.

but i still do not understand why american has to risk her soldiers life to protect an island?

They dont…but I think that Taiwan has the right to be independant. China vs Taiwan is a bit of an overkill. If they want it that bad they will get it. I doubt the US will do much and the UN will just grip alot. But if they did get involved it would be a giant disaster. Best thing for Taiwan to do for the moment is to follow what China says and maybe things will work out.

and of course, they have to increase oil reserve, if china invades today, taiwan would only have 2 weeks of oil reserve (that president has decrease it from one month to 2 weeks, what a dumb decision)

In 1950 Truman sent the 7th US Fleet in “the Strait of Formosa” (Formosa=former western name of Taiwan) in order to prevent any attack on Taiwan, and also prevent the Taiwan forces to attack China. From that point on, Taiwan was placed under US military protection.
I don’t think that US will allow an invasion…

US might not allow it, but they might not able to stop the invasion.
First of all, China has stationed more than 300 missiles toward taiwan, many of them are low flying missiles which are diffucult to be intercept by the patriot missiles nor the national missiles defense.
Second of all, China has enough naval ships to encircle taiwan and cut off her supply or the help from the US. Taiwan only have two weeks of oil reserve in case of war and the US might take as long as 1 week to prepare for war.
Third of all, dont forget China has nukes, it can be risky to be in war with China especially the national missiles defense are extremely unreliable

In 1950 Truman sent the 7th US Fleet in “the Strait of Formosa” (Formosa=former western name of Taiwan) in order to prevent any attack on Taiwan, and also prevent the Taiwan forces to attack China. From that point on, Taiwan was placed under US military protection.
I don’t think that US will allow an invasion…[/quote]

Good point…I truely hope it doesnt come to this. I dont know if the US could afford a fight with the Chinese when they have almost a 5to1 advantage in manpower. Lets not forget the difference they made in the Korean War.

I do not think American would risk her soldiers life just to save an island, what good can it possible give american for defending taiwan? I think the way to protect Taiwan is to continue selling weapons to Taiwan, America is going to dump those weapons anyways, why not selling them for cheaper price instead of negotiating for such a long time and achieve nothing ( i didnt support the aid from american NOT because i am from Hong Kong, i personally hate the Chinese communist government for not allowing us to have elections in 07/08 ). China is a powerful country and peace talk would only make them stronger, if i am american president, i would NOT give China any chance to involve in peace talk like that, and i would NEVER treat China any better in exchange of their support in terrorism. The US can bypass the entire UN to invade Iraq anyways, why bother ask for their support to give China a chance to become an stronger nation?[/quote]

Ya the U.S. would not want to go and help taiwan. They have no weapons of mass destruction, and Taiwan has no major resources. And Taiwan does really belong to China, however they seem to be slight independent.

Really? I see alot more items that are made in china. FW-190, I also hate the cheap labour they use. And we shouldnt blame all that on China, we should blame it on big companies that go to China for cheap labour. FOR INSTANCE NIKE! NO ONE SHALL BUY ANYTHING MADE BY NIKE!!! WE SHALL REVOLT!!!

hahahaha :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Dude that movie is one of the best!

Getting involved with China is going to caues major problems. They have the largest army in the world, however not so technologically advanced, they still have a pretty good fighting force. And then there is the nukes. I suggest to everyone, you have to watch that End Of The World flash thats posted on the Off topic forum.

The U.N. really doesnt have any power, they cant do much military wise. But they can help out with the civilians etc. They are more of a peace-keeping force, and can not fire unless fired upon, thats basically how they operate.