Archive - Marshal Jukov

Marshal Jukov is the greatest comender of II WW!
What do you think?

He was a great commander. dont know about him being the best. Of course, I dont know a great deal about him besides what ive gathered from books and the History Channel. (The History Channel rocks BTW) I did hear that the Japanese and the Russians had a small conflict sometime before the german invasion of the Soviet Union, in which japanese had their asses handed to them by Gen. Zukov. After that little episode, Japan was not interested in taking part in the invasion of the Soviet Union. So have to give him props there.

Gen. Sandworm can you say your faworit Comender

I wouldnt say he is my favorite commander but he was a really good one. Heinz Guderian is my favorite.

Zhukov is slaughter and killer. He havn’t any strategy abilities like a Timoshenko, Konev, Rokossovskiy, Vasilevskiy… Now, when some Soviet archives are opened, we can see the true face of this “commander”.

2Vorontsov: read the book of V. Suvorov “Shadow of victory”. Sad, but facts is very strong thing…

And more… The true teoretic of war is a marshal Shaposhnikov. I’m strongly recommended find his book “Brain of army” This is a katehisis of Soviet, and not only Soviet army. German officers, when training in Liepetsk studied this book well too. Book of Heinz Guderian “Attention! Tanks!” is an only extendeded version of one of chapters of Shaposhnikov book. In that book first time in the world, was described strategy of “blietskreig”. Not with this name, of course… It has named “preventive defense deep operations”. But do not forget - term “defense” in Red Army - it’s a cover to selfish agressive plans. Nice example of his strategy - air control must be achived, by that book, with unexpected bomb attack to the landing sites of enemy, combined with deep attack of fast light tanks, without blocade fortified zones, it takes second wave of heavy tanks and artillery. Third wave - is NKVD armies, taking control on the captured nation, repressing 20-30% of men’s to prevent organized guerilla defense… Except heavy tanks - very like Hitler did. SS or NKVD, BT-7 or T-4, where is difference? But Shaposhnikov wrote his book when Guderian was only young officer and don’t thought about tanks…

You seem to really not like Zukov. Can you site any examples of why he was such an a**hole. Dumb strategic moves…etc. Dont know that much in depth WW2 Russian history but I like learning every thing about WW2.

For example: battle near Elna. Official history said, that Jukov was liberate Elna’s position, and save the Moscow with that… But what was in reality? Guderian left a defense positions (about 30.000 of soldiers) without tanks at the Elna and went to the Kiev. But, Jukov whith large infantry forces not went to help the surrounded Kiev forces. Jukov send attack on the Elna. To the ready, well-defended positions. They send attacks waves 5 times in a day. (summary was more 200 attacks) Germans every night set a mines on the field and renew defenses. In that dumbs attacks Jukov spent about 2.000 000 of soldiers (murdered and hurted). 2 million and 30.000! Feel the differense?! He not even try to surround and blocade that group! Slaughter.

I have to agree with Komissar. Jukov wasnt that great.

More than that… After war and the death of Stalin, Jukov was first, and I hope last, commander who make a nuclear strike on own people… The place - Totsk. 30-kiloton bomb. Hours later the tank group and large number of infantry (only with respirator mask and paper robe for safety) initiate the attack near zero point… 40.000 soldiers with radiation burns… They give a subscribe of silence. They can’t talk about that even to medics. I saw the photos of their children… With soft bones and light-orange skin… Huge fists or foots… But Jukov self even not went to Totsk, or Tambov(region center of the place of experiment). They commanded it from Moscow…

It would seem to me that Zukov and Stalin were a bit similiar in there disregard for human life. Funny if you say Hitler just about anywhere in the world and people automatically think worst person that ever lived. But you say Stalin or Zukov most dont really think to much about it. I would have to say that they were all just as equally bad and had no empathy for other people. This is the true essence of evil in my opinion.

It would seem to me that Zukov and Stalin were a bit similiar in there disregard for human life. Funny if you say Hitler just about anywhere in the world and people automatically think worst person that ever lived. But you say Stalin or Zukov most dont really think to much about it. I would have to say that they were all just as equally bad and had no empathy for other people. This is the true essence of evil in my opinion.[/quote]

Ya, I think that Hitler had some regard for his own soldeirs, though that might of just been because he didnt have an unlimited supply.

I think you just dont love him, all world say this a great commender!!!

Facts is strong thing. Many things not like all world talk about them… Try to learn this question more in detail… Can you tell me at least one battle wich Jukov WON?

Battle for Berlin, the defense of Moscow.

So many say that if b not its strategy of the taking of Berlin first Berlin bralib for a long time, then yeslib not its strategy that would be many victims. After this operation it obtained not only Soviet but also English orders and medal!

Just one question were you read this information?

Many places of knowledge… But I recomended you excellent book of V. Suvorov “Shadow of the victory”, again. Battle at Berlin? Oh… This is another shame of Red Army. Until end of war Jukov couldn’t understand - send tanks in don’t captured town - it’s madness. He “present” to German 2 tank guardian armies (not batalion or division. ARMY!) , equipped with newest JS-2 sending them into the Berlin even without infantry cover. They all was burned in the streets of the Berlin witout any German losses… Defense of the Moscow? But counterstrike at the Moscow was ruled by Vasilevskiy. Jukov i that time was made crazy attack attacks at Elna (I wrote it above)… In the period when Jukov commands the defense of the Moskow wasn’t any big operations or battles…

Suvorov this is traitor, you read his history, him it had to shoot, but it had time to imigrirovat’, it here and writes entire poor about the Soviet Union!!!

No. He wrote the true, for sure… You may check ANY fact they using - and find out that’s true. More than that, I believe to my grandfather, who was in NKVD, he told me about Jukov very welll… Such facts, about to trading food for relics and gold from Leningrad’s museums, in time when in blocaded city people ate even a rats…

Another topic that I have moved to keep things clear. :smiley: