Archive - Spruce Goose

During WWII Howard Hughes hawe seen necessary of big airplane, that wiil be able flight from USA to Europe more than 4700 km. Why during war ? War was in Europe any only one way was to send troops and ammo there - by sea. But sea wasn’t good place in these days - a lot of U-boat hunting there for allied convoys. Airplane, wich can flight directly from USA to Europe (or Asia) will be great gift for USA Army… Okay, some planes can do it - but what about load ?
So, task was clear - airplane, big and powerfull enough to carry loads or troops. And this plane would be a… flieing boat ! Why ? It was common idea it these days - usual airplane, akes he’s flight over sea with troubles jost fall down and sank, but flieing boat can landing (or watering ?) right on wather.
By other wersion, autor of this project was Henry Kaiser, man, who designed and then prodused in huge quantity famous “Liberty” sheeps.
Anyway, Hughes and Kaiser cooperated then started in 1942 project to make a big flieng boat. By project it should be airplane with take off weight more than 80 tonns. It will allow flight to 4700- 9500 (with less load) kilometers. Is it hard engineering task, for these days and for today too.
Afer time Kaiser lived this project and Hughes continued works alone.
Airplane got name H-4 Hercules but public name was Spruce Goose, 'cos this plane was… wooden. But not spruce, but birch, correctly based on laminated “duramold” panels.
It was greatest biggest airplane, biggest flyeng boat in the World .
Plane got double decks, eight 8 radial enginees Pratt&Whitney R 4360 - 4 “Double Wasp” with 3000 Hp each, mounted on wings about 100 m long .
80 tons 219 (66 m) feet airplane can flieght with 350 km/h speed and used 53 tonns high oktane gas for 4700 km flight with cargo payload 130 000 pounds onboard (750 troops or two Sherman tanks) .
And this plane no need airports or airstrips - any long enough water space will be usable to take off and landing.
Budget of this progect was 18 $ millions (for 3 airplanes) and Hughes put there 7 $ millions own money.
Anyway Hughes manage make only one plane and not in planed 25 month, but about 4 years.
At end of 1947 around H-4 great scandal started. Congress of USA run investigaton about money, payed to Hughes Aircraft for Spruce Goose. And most amazing idea of this inwestigation was - “This airplane can’t take off anyway”.
Hughes taked this bet. In 2 november of 1947 H 4 Hercules taked off, soared at about 21 metres and cowered by flight about 1 km… then landed and never more used by he’s direct destination.
When Hughes go out from pilot’s cockpit he sayd “You’ll never know.”…

Most big airplane in the World, in dimensions even more than Boeing 747, become a museum exponat…

The Spuce Goose HK-1 Hercules waits while cranes are moved into place to pick up its cradle from the now flooded hangar. 1980s

2 november 1947.

Today H 4 Hercules stored in glass hangar in Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Oregon, USA
There is great text about H-4:

Quite amazing!!

Incredible!!!,great job praetorian! :smiley:

It might also be interesting to know that Howard Hughs became a hypocondriac later in life, so much so that it interfered with his everyday living. He becaome totally paranoid about bacteria and allergens. I have heard, but don’t know if it’s true, that he died of tuberculosis partly because he became a recluse and lived in a filthy room (people who are hypocondriacs typically do not think their own filth is dirty, as I understand it.).