Archive - Tank preserved as monument

My own personal web is about tanks, planes, guns and others military stuff preserved as monuments or advertising. I’m looking for good pic this equipment. If you have any yours this type photos and info about this pictures, can you e-mail to me?

What kind of pictures do you need?
I saw that mostly are located in Poland.

Most pic on my web are from Poland but I collected pic from all world. Like this Panther from Holland

this MiG-23 from Holland to
Size pic could be 640x480 or higher

Kubinka in Russia:

I don’t want photos from museum. I colected pic tank , plane, preserved as monument

No chance in Romania. We have only in museums or military museums.

I have some pic’s of 2 T-34’s in Berlin as a War memorial but I will see if I can find them.

As far as I am aware there is also a collection of tanks and vehicles in Libya although due to politics they are not seen as often as they might have been.