Archive - The butterfly effect

If you have watched the butterfly effect, do you think its good?
i am thinking of buying the DVD

the preview looks pretty interesting. Maybe it can be an insight for the book you are writing.

i dont know if this is right to do stuff like this in here, if its not right, please delete the following message

i find a video in winMX that is very interesting, its call IMAX - Weapons of the 21st Century. it talks about modern VTOL aircraft, gigantic naval machine guns, missiles, that is so cool

ya, I dont really like watching about Modern warfare, because soon enough you will find that some of the technology will be replaced. :smiley: If you have Discovery channel, you will find some shows on modern warfare.

I thought it was a pretty decent movie. I didn’t expect much prior to watching it; then I gave it a shot and it wasn’t to shabby. 8)

This is Off Topic…you can talk about why buffalos poop so much if you want. :smiley:

This is Off Topic…you can talk about why buffalos poop so much if you want. :D[/quote]
o, i thought this is copyright material, so i dont know if its right to encourage people to download it off for free in here, thats why i did hesitate a little bit

i want to ask whether kill bill 1 and resident evil 1 is good too, thanks for answering

Resident Evil one was good. 2 Wasn’t to shabby either. I have Kill Bill but never watched it cannot tell you on that one sorry.

resident evil was good, the secound one was quite good too.