Are we being hacked?

Look at the fourth item on the screenshot. Did he get into our system?

Uploaded with

Not sure what happened there … went ahead and removed it for safety. Procyon should look at this one! Thanks for the heads up RS.



I didn’t remove the post as it wasn’t visible to non-mods and I wasn’t sure if I’d make things worse by fiddling with it, plus I thought it might be better to leave it there for Procyon to inspect.

I looked him up on line, and he is an active little fellow on the “Invaders forum” (built on V bulletin oddly enough,) looks like a hacker training site. He does brag a bit about what he does.

This sucks…I’ll have to upgrade to the latest version then and hopefully some security holes are fixed. Thanks for the heads up!

Ok, I will update our plugins first and if all is fine I’ll update vbulletin. If you see errors…it’s just me working on things.

So far two plugins have been upated.

All plugins are done and I’m moving to the vbulletin update now…that will most likely break things, but I just made a backup.

Ok, the upgrade is done…header is messed up. I’ll fix that later. Hopefully the security issue has been fixed and the hacker won’t be able to attempt it a second time.

Hooray for me!

I’ve been resurrected!

Please report any issues asap! I’ll try to fix them quickly.
Btw before we were on VB version 4.0.2. Now it is 4.0.7.

You truly are the son of God. :slight_smile:

I think we should look into making this little hacker-shits life uncomfortable…

Nah, just Lazarus. :wink:

Me too, but I decided against it when, uncharacteristically for me, I chose not to make inflammatory comments in his ban notes, which just showed a period . to him.

I figured that if the little shit can get into our site once, it’s best not to piss him off unnecessarily and encourage him, and any of his hacker mates, to do it again.

I’m still unable to use the log in box on the top right. Whatever I do throws up the usual ‘invalid’ message box giving me another attempt to log in, which works.

Yes, let’s not piss him off.

Can you post a screen shot? Do you have the same problem with a different browser?

Screen shot won’t help.

I’m using Mozilla.

I’m using mozilla as well…can you upgrade to the latest version if you haven’t?

Login box working normally now, with same version of Mozilla. Thanks.