Are You Liberal or Conservative??

Liberal or Conservative

A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many
others her age, she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, and
was very much in favor of the redistribution of wealth.

She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican, a
feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had
participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that
her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he
thought should be his.

One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on
the rich and the addition of more government welfare programs. The
self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth
and she indicated so to her father.

He responded by asking how she was doing in school.

Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let
him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting t hat she was taking a
very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no
time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn’t even have
time for a boyfriend, and didn’t really have many college friends because
she spent all her time studying.

Her father listened and then asked, “How is you friend Audrey doing?”

She replied, “Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes,
she never studies, and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She is so popular on
campus, college for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the
parties, and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because
she’s too hung over.”

Her wise father asked his daughter, “Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office
and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who
only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that
would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA.”

The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired
back, “That wouldn’t be fair! I have worked really hard for my grades! I’ve
invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to
nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!”

The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, “Welcome to the
Republican Party.”

Americans seem to confuse the concepts of “liberal” and “communist”, God knows why, there is quite a difference between the two.

I could say they also confuse the concepts of “conservative” and “religious fundamentalist warmonger” but there you go.

If I live is the U.S I probably be a die hard Republican, anti-abortive, anti gun-control guy…but without the religious charge because I am not Christian.

The yanks could surely open a few programes for the masses, for example free health care?

There is far too much, I have got it, you haven’t, unlucky.

Hurray for conservatives :slight_smile:

I’m no Republican though, however I do tend to vote Republican. I like the general Republican belief that government should be small, centralized, and powerful. However I don’t like how the Bush administration is introducing religion into the mix, and stopping life-saving research on stem cells. I rarely see myself siding on the Democrat side; I just don’t see the United States as a socialist-leaning country…

I guess I’m a centrist leaning on the Republican side?

Panzerknacker, My self Im a republican, Im pro gun…NOT religious and pro womans choice, she and one other person are the only ones who should make a decision like that. I agree, Religion belongs nowhere in government. :?

Honestly, being a Liberal, or being a Conservative does not mean you are put into a certain part… I mean there are some Republicans that think Liberal like, and in Vice versa. I am Libertarian now, OH, WHO GOT OWNED BIATCHES :smiley:

And if you are wondering I am independent in the Liberal, Conservative thing, I am my own sub-party :confused:

Bladensburg…What I posted is a simple story, what does being communist have to do with that? Answer one… question do you want to share your grade point average with the student who does not study hard like you? Me I dont… :slight_smile:

"Welcome to the autoritary Party!,let’s celebrate,kill mexicans and kick african-americans from usa,let’s have a democratic elected dictatorship,and make the rich richer and the poor more poor,isn’t ok?,
yes Audrey,you too,come with us and have an american “junta militar”.

in this case,im going then to join to the “Argentine Republican Party”

the candidates are:

our dear ex-dictators

Join to the argentine republican party!,and a bonus track,help usa to be ruled again by GEORGE BUSH!!! :smiley: .

THIS IS ALL IRONY,i just prevent you from thinking that i want to kill mexicans,vote dictators,AND BE REPUBLICAN.

Günter Schätzer,Erwin’s Cousin says:
Vote clinton or fuck off.

LMAO, I love this forum… And Erwin’s “might”

Ermm, Clinton cannot run for President anymore because of the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. I do believe the only person to have been elected more than twice was Franklin Roosevelt, and that amendment was passed after his fourth term. Would’ve been nice though, he would have been a much better candidate than Kerry.

I’m a moderate, but I’m leaning towards liberal.

One should not confine Republicans as Conservatives and Democrats as Liberals. It has gone back and forth throughout the years. In the begining, the Democratic party was for the common man, then during the latter half of the 19th century the Republicans became more liberal than the Democrats (Abraham Lincoln was a Liberal Republican). It continued untill Theodore Roosevelt, then I believe the Republicans stopped being liberal and the Democrats were more liberal once again.

“I am a man who believes with all fervor and intensity in moderate progress. Too often men who believe in moderation believe in it only moderately and tepidly and leave fervor to the extremists of the two sides – the extremists of reaction and the extremists of progress. Washington, Lincoln . . . are men who, to my mind, stand as the types of what wide, progressive leadership should be.”
—Theodore Roosevelt

He was a devout believer in military might who won the Nobel Peace Prize, a proud hunter of wild game who helped found the modern conservation movement, a reformer among politicians, and a politician among reformers.

Edited Added another quote.


Ermm, Clinton cannot run for President anymore because of the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. I do believe the only person to have been elected more than twice was Franklin Roosevelt, and that amendment was passed after his fourth term. Would’ve been nice though, he would have been a much better candidate than Kerry.[/quote]

Clinton cannot,but the laws can be changed,also Kerry would have been much better candidate than Bush.

I don’t know why i am so interested on this,im argentine,but my cousin is interested,thanks to this fucking guy,he is living in the urban no man’s land called NY.


I forgot where I saw it on, but I think it might have been The Daily Show with Jon Stuart. Someone was saying “Alright, here’s the deal. The Republicans can run Arnold Schwarzenegger if the Democrats can run Clinton again. It would be the Terminator vs. the Sperminator.”

If laws would be changed to allow Clinton to run a third time, they would eventually pass a law allowing Ahnold to be President (bad thing).

I’ll agree that John Kerry was a better candidate than George W. Bush, but then again who isn’t a better candidate than Dubyah?

Terminator vs. the Sperminator :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: LMAO.
they would allow arnie to be president?,shit!,then vote kerry.

Too late :\

I’m a Democrat and one thing that seems to annoy me about other Democrats is that they refuse to take the “Kerry Edwards '04” stickers off of their bumpers. It’s almost a year later, I think Dubyah’s won by now :wink:
It’s as if we cannot move out of the past :shock:

Too late :\

I’m a Democrat and one thing that seems to annoy me about other Democrats is that they refuse to take the “Kerry Edwards '04” stickers off of their bumpers. It’s almost a year later, I think Dubyah’s won by now :wink:
It’s as if we cannot move out of the past :shock:[/quote]

Mate,i prefer the worst democrat candidate instead of the best republican candidate but as you said,i will think in Dubyah :smiley: ,but i don’t know who is him,i don’t talk to my cousin a long time ago :frowning:

Ask Gen. Sandworm!! Or better, look at his sig. :smiley:

DISCO :smiley:

Over here, you would probably find YOUR version of a Liberal classed as a right winger.

Although I believe that most politicians these days are exactly the same lying self serving scum.

So I would say that in any true Democracy there should be a place for all views, be it communist or fascist, its when opne dominates all the others that the trouble starts.

I’d just like to point out as well, that the example used in the first post as a reason for the way the system is, is utter tosh.

In a country, if one person loses we all lose.

Thus there should be provisions in place to give those who weren’t lucky enough to be born in to wealthy families to fight there way up.

The example shows two people at the same school, with the same oppurtunities. One has chosen to throw their good fortune to the dogs.

What of an example in which one is working hard at a good school, with all the resources, to get a 4.0 grade.

At a school across town, another student is working just as hard if not harder at a school where all the IT equipment is broken or stolen. The testtubes have been replaced by empty coke cans because there are no funds to replace them, they are only on a 2.0 grade?

Or who gets the atheltics scholarship?

The one who went to a school with good running track, whose parents could afford to buy the best trainers or the one whose school had a mud track around the playing field, who runs in the same trainers they use for other tasks and are old and tatty.

Thus that example used is a load of tonk that only someone who already has “it” would use as a reason why someone who hasn’t got “it” shouldn’t get “it”.