Armored Cars, I dont know this model... - Romanian Forces | Gallery

Armored Cars, I dont know this model...

Romanian Armored Cars.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi Woj, you could be correct, though I am not convinced. I never claimed the Romanians bought any TKS - my thinking had been (if these are TKS; the sides of the vehicles are still unclear to me) these were impounded vehicles, which the Poles maight have driven across the Border to avoid falling into German hands (they did the same with most of their French R-35 tanks, for example). I see your point about the tactical sign, though to me the proportions are slightly different here than in your photo. That’s of course subjective unless I want to whip out a ruler and calculator - and tactical markings can vary a bit anyway. The uniforms - especially of the men standing in front of the closest vehicle - still look more Romanian than Polish to me, though I also admit the right-most soldier in the vehicle “turret” could be in a Polish uniform. Do you have a published source stating the men are Polish?