Arnhem prisoners - British Forces | Gallery

Arnhem prisoners

Prisoners of the 1st Parachute Squadron and 3rd Parachute Battalion, captured at Arnhem Bridge. Left to right: Lance-Corporal Swainson (No.9 Platoon, 3rd Battalion), Sapper Booth ("A" Troop, 1st Para Squadron), and Privates Moran and Winters (both "C" Coy, 3rd Battalion).

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I’m gonna weigh in a few days late and agree with FTG here. The comment was a bit trite, but nothing worth getting angry about. Obviously, anyone who’s been in the military or who wears a helmet knows what it does to us with longer hair. And the paras fought gallantly to the bitter end and they certainly deserve all of our respect for that. Especially the ones above, as they were probably the stay behind rear guard that allowed a number of their mates to escape…