Arnold Huebner - Flak Regiment 33 - German Air Force | Gallery

Arnold Huebner - Flak Regiment 33

Huebner (1919-1981) of Flak Regiment 33 was the "first private soldier of the Afrikakorps to receive the Knight's Cross". Credited with knocking out 24 tanks up to December 1941 as a 88mm gunner. The award was made at Leipzig on the 7th March 1942 after Flak Regiment 33 had returned to Germany for refitting in February 1942.Eric Heintze,his gun commander,was also awarded the RKT. Huebner spent many months in hospital overcoming an infection he picked up in North Africa.Later he saw action in Normandy in 1944.Leutnant Huebner was captured by the Americans in May 1945.

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CORRECTION: the light batteries had 12 guns. DGS