Arnold Majewski - Finnish Forces | Gallery

Arnold Majewski

Arnold Majewski (1892-1942) was legendary Finnish officer who gained much reputation in battles of Kollaa and Rukajärvi. He was born in Tallinn, Estonia. His father Alexander was from old Polish family of soldiers and served in Imperial Russian Army, then settled to live in Helsinki. Arnold started his military career by fighting in Finnish Civil War as part of White Army cavalry. He stayed in military career, completed officer training and later became cavalry captain. In the Winter War Majewski served as battalion commander at Ladoga Karelia and fought in the Battle of Kollaa. He quickly became known as daredevil officer who was never afraid to expose himself to enemy fire. Majewski was badly wounded just before the end of the war when shrapnels hit his arm, chest and neck. He received promotion after the end of the war. In Continuation War he fought at Rukajärvi front, where he became much known as one of the most bravest commanders in the area. He was promoted as Lieutenant Colonel in April 1942. The fearless behavior proved fatal for Arnold Majewski on October 10, 1942, when he was showing combat photographers sector where a heavy enemy attack was just recently repelled. Others looked through the periscope but Majewski peeked from the trench and started counting the bodies on the no man's land. He got to 30 in his counts before he was shot by Soviet sniper. The bullet went through his jaw and throat, ripping a large hole to the neck.

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Interesting story. Never heard that. I wish this hero was better known in Poland.BTW, "Majewski" is one of the most popular surnames in my country.Regards.