Ascari Libici - Other Forces | Gallery

Ascari Libici

Lybian infantrymen marching by feet in the desert, like the other national Italian troops. Actually Lybian people from Tripolitania and Cirenaica were not colonial troops but national one, being given the citizenship in 1937. In fact the troops born there wears the "stellette", symbol of every soldier owing Italian citizenship. Even Gheddafi was an "Italian citizen", being born in Misurata in 1942. And very probably - fact he tried to hid in all his life - he was son a zaptiè (colonial carabiniere). DVX

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I thought Libya may have been classed as part of Italy much like Algeria was part of Metropolitan france, but was not too sure.

Being spread out like they are suggests near the forward areas or at least during the war era. Basic first defence against air attack and shell bursts.

No, the Lybia was a colony with a governor, at outbreak of WW2 the Air Marshal Italo Balbo. Victor Sierra

Victor, until 1937. After the coast became metropolitan territory and autocton people living on the coast was given a special Italian citezenship (but not the Fezzan).