Assault gun commandant - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

Assault gun commandant

The commandant of a german Sturmgeschütz (assault gun). To the left edge of the picture is a scissor scope recognizable. Unfortunately I have no info about the identity of this Knight's Cross holder. Any information would be appreciated.

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Hi FTG – another photo that’s fairly common; I’ve seen in several places, and at least some of the captions provide his name. The photo was described as being taken just after a near-miss, while he still had a bit of the jitters: the nervous smile, the wound on his cheek, the cigarette in his hand, which, IIRC, was described as shaking a little. I’ll see if I can find out the name for you, at least. A brave man: going through all this stuff, doubtless many times, and still being able to crawl into that claustrophobic AFV…