At least she is good looking...

Grab the chair and click:
A blonde and a 3rd grade geography question

Our Australian posters will like this one :wink:

She reminds of my ex-fiance.

Nick breaks furniture and gets drunk…

Ooops… I was actually afraid she whould try to answer… at least she got the money.

Unbelievable. Truly so. The dumb blonde really does not know even the amount of air that fills her head. At least Avis could name the continents. The responses on the blog were great, especially from Hungarians who were really angered. Don’t let her represent the truly great intelligenze levals of Markin citisenz. We am snart and can spill with any1, espeicallly C&W intertaynors who cannot prounounceeee Hungry.

All this may explain why blondes rarely try to take over the world - directing armies to correct countries is too difficult task ;-D

But it’s not always funny to live in the small country (any other country than US ;-D) because people simply know nothing about it – except maybe couple of out-of-date stereotypes.


Could have been worse, the answer could have been Austria. Sheeeeeeeeeeesh, I hate being called an Austrian by people who can’t tell if their bums are pointing to the ground.:roll:


Oh common guys is the Great geographical knowledge the THING that we all need from a blondes?:slight_smile:
Everybody sould have its specialisation : ugly for science - the blondes for a sex:)
And womans clearly understand what they want whan try looking like a blondes…