Atomic Bomb

I have been reading articles from “Reich of the Black Sun”.
One of the articles suggest that Germany tested an atomic bomb and other highly secret weaponry.
It infers that General Patton was ordered to divert from attacking Berlin, and go to Arnstadt in Thuringia and toward the immense Skoda munitions works at Pilsen, Czechoslovakia.
It was here that Germany was building secret weapons, under the auspices of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Ing. (doctor of engineering) Hans Kammler, more infamous for designing concentration camps.
He had aircraft (JU390) capable of delivering the bomb to the USA.
Has anyone else heard of these allegations?

they did that,never knew.

Maybe if they used it the outcome of the war would have been different.

Heard of them, and they’re nonsense. The Farm Hall transcripts make it quite clear that Heisenberg’s team thought it was technically impossible to build an atomic weapon. Frankly, in physics terms Heisenberg couldn’t find his own backside with the aid of both hands and a map.
There have also been recent claims that the Germans tested a “mini-nuke” but these flounder for two reasons. The first is that it is technically much harder to make a small nuke than a Hiroshima size one (massively so - if you can make a small one, you can make a Hiroshima size one easily). The second is that despite writing a book on his claims the guy making them hasn’t actually been able to find any evidence.

As for the bombers to deliver it, they can best be described as “napkinwaffe” - lines on paper that rarely got much beyond a back-of-the-envelope sketch. They were highly unlikely to work without massive development that Germany was incapable of by the end of the war.

I’ve never heard of Heisenberg, and looking him up it seems he was a Jew. Since the area I mentioned was run by the SS and the man who facilitated the deaths of thousands of jews, it is hard to imagine Heisenberg would have worked at the Skoda complex.
There are many references on the internet to Kammler, who disappeared after the war. Some suggest he went to America, taking his knowledge with him.
There are also many references to “Reich of the Black Sun”, and to weapons that were being tested, including a form of “flying saucer”.
The book could have been written by conspiracy theorists. An extract from the book is printed below. There are photos of the aircraft, but unfortunately I couldn’t get them to upload.

Strange Flights
Did the Germans possess any strategic bombers or aircraft capable of reaching the North American continent with a significant payload, and returning to Europe? Beyond the relatively well- known Messerschmitt 264, a four engine bomber that looks far too similar to the American B-29 to be coincidental, Germany possessed in small numbers a quantity of heavy-lift, ultra-long range transport craft, including the four engine Junkers 290 and its massive six engine cousin, the Junkers 390.

Only two of these massive aircraft were ever built.

1944, one such Ju 390 took off from Bordeaux, France, and flew to within 12 miles of New York City, snapped a picture of the Manhattan skyline, and flew back, a non-stop flight of 32 hours.

Within the context of the German SS atom bomb project, this flight was more than a mere feasibility study. Photo reconnaissance could only be for target identification. And the flight itself, to within 12 miles of the city, could conceivably have been a test of American air defenses and reactions. In any case, the fact that such a flight returned safely can only indicate that the American Army Air Force simply was not expecting a visit from the Luftwaffe at all, reconnaissance, feasibility study, or otherwise.

Another plane they built was the Messeschmitt 264 Long Range Amerika Bomber.

Werner Heisenberg was no doubt in the top levels of German Nuclear Progress. Havent heard the Jew accertion before. But Germany realized early on in the war that the atomic bomb wouldnt really help them. They needed to win quickly and this project was going to take to long. So alot of funds were diverted from the project. I know they had an controlled nuclear pit. However this is not an atomic bomb. Germany never had one and if they did in secret it would be easy to track down. At least until the disaster at Chernoybal (spl?) in 86. You can still pick up radioactive traces from hiroshima and nagasaki today so I imagine you could find the traces of their experiment if it happen. I think no way.

have heard of this and there was a paper that some one wrote on this but its not on the websight any more. i think i have a copy and will look for it.
some pics of the horten long range bomber.


Ho XVIII A.jpg

Heisenberg wasn’t Jewish. He was however harassed for a while in the early to mid 1930s for teaching “Jewish physics” (i.e. relativity as discovered by Einstein, a Jew). Heinrich Himmler personally stopped this harrasment after an official investigation instigated by Heisenberg.
Neither was any work done at the Skoda complex. The work on how to create a pile capable of sustaining a chain reaction was done under Heisenberg at the Kaiser Wilhelm institute in Berlin, while the work on Uranium enrichment was done at the Gottow Army Research Laboratory under Kurt Deibner. The Deibner group was terminated in July 1942 having comprehensively failed to come up with any way of enriching Uranium (the US had come up with two industrially practical ways of doing so by this time).

Incidentally, for those of you interested in German “what if” aircraft I suggest a trip to - with the appropriate health warning that the majority of these are paper projects that would have turned out to be complete dogs in service. The Ta-183 is a perfect example - Kurt Tank went to Argentina after the war and built it as the IAe Pulqui. Despite having a far better engine than anything the Germans were ever able to come up with in wartime (Imported RR Nene) it turned out to be a complete dog with of the four aircraft ever built one (some sources say two) crashing with fatal results for the test pilot(s).