Auschwitz- on the selection ramp - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

Auschwitz- on the selection ramp

A new trainload of prisoners arrives at the ramp at Auschwitz. They will be processed very efficently and will undergo "selection" by some of the camp doctors to determine if they are fit for hard labor or will go straight to the "showers". There are no young children or babies allowed here, so all young mothers and their children, all old people, the sick and the lame will be sent directly to the gas chambers to be killed. There was a daily quota of laborers needed, when that was met everyone else was sent to the gas. There was an exception to the automatic killing of all children, which was identical twins. These were pulled out of line(and their mothers arms) and sent directly to Dr. Josef Mengele for experimentation before they were killed by his staff. This picture was posted so all you non-believers could see where all those empty clothes (posted a few days ago) really came from. This scene happened almost on a daily basis at Auschwitz.

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Josef Mengele is the evil

yes, dr mengele was a like a real life mad scientist. i read where he did all kinds of painful, dangerous experiments on people, literally torturing them to death. i even saw a picture he made of himself with a deaths head superimposed over his face like a x-ray, he was a sicko