Aust. defending from japs.

Seeing as this is the first post of the forum…
Did anyone have relatives or friends that fought on any of the Asian Islands, or on the Sydney convoys back in the war? :?:

Not a relative, but a next door neighbour, who died some years ago. His name was Wilfred (IIRC), a gentleman in the fullest sense of the word. He fought in New Guinea (not sure if on the Kokoda though, I was VERY young when I asked him) and I remember him telling me that he used the Owen SMG. I am unsure if he fought in N. Africa.

Also, the other day, I met a Greek who settled in Australia in 1936 ( :shock: … somewhat early for Greek immigration, one of two whom I have met from the pre-war immigration). He fought in PNG as well (forget which area though). He was a rescue pilot (that’s what he told me). He told me he wanted to stay on in the forces, but contracted an illness which forced him out of the service.

Really?, thats quite interesting story.
Its the same with an australian veteran i interviewed on how he fought in PNG and cut he’s leg up in training so he had to revive in hospital and during that he’s whole battalion was brutally murdered by mortar shells from friendly fire…he was the only survivor.

excuse me commando,i think they don´t like to be called japs :slight_smile: .

Heh, ah sorry erwin no offence, Over where i live thats what the japanese are called. :slight_smile:

Heh, ah sorry erwin no offence, Over where i live thats what the japanese are called. :)[/quote]
yes,i know,one day i called 4 japaneses(they were from usa,they spoke english): japs (i thought they were called japs!,and no japaneses),and the guys kicked my ass,they know karate!,shit!.

Ha ha really?, thats hillarious.

:lol: ,true,but it wasn´t that funny when happened,i couldn´t sit for 2 weeks! :lol:

Hey erwin, What do think about having a instant chat room on this website for online people? I have been talking to FW-190 and he thinks its a good idea.
It would also give this website so much more popularity.
:smiley: :smiley: :?: :?: :smiley:

hey bud,this is out of topic,but,i did a bad chat,it works,but nobody uses it :cry: ,maybe because of the time zones.

i did a topic about my chat in the site feedback.

this is the chat link:
the pass is: allright

sam said that he can do a better chat,but he still didn´t do nothing.

thanks for the idea