Australia does it again!

Qantas brings Airbus A380 to LAX

Email PictureKen Hively / Los Angeles Times
Qantas’ new A380 lands at LAX from Melbourne. The carrier is the first to operate commercial A380 flights between Australia and the U.S. West Coast.
The world’s largest jet arrives from Australia with about 450 people aboard. A380 flights are expected to provide an economic boost to the region.
By Peter Pae
October 21, 2008
The world’s largest airliner landed at Los Angeles International Airport on Monday with about 450 people aboard, kicking off Southern California’s first A380 passenger service and providing a welcome economic boost for the slumping airport.

Qantas Flight 93 from Melbourne, Australia, landed at 7:26 a.m. and was greeted by public officials and Hollywood celebrities including actor John Travolta and singer Olivia Newton-John. The jetliner was scheduled to make its return flight to Australia late Monday.

First class seating/bed on the A380.
• Qantas Airbus A380 lands at LAX
Passengers, most of them Australians, described the flight as very quiet and smooth. They also said they had little problem getting through customs and retrieving their bags.

“I’m surprised. I’m stunned, actually,” said Phillip Prendergast, who flew with his wife, Carmen. “The customs agents were reassuring and friendly, too.”

Today marked the start of the first scheduled passenger service of the new A380 at LAX, which by 2012 is expected to serve more super-jumbo jets than anywhere else.
The double-decked Airbus A380 is expected to alter the skies over Southern California much the way Boeing Co.'s 747 did when it began flying out of LAX nearly 40 years ago.

L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, on hand for the event, noted that the A380 was “finally here” after a two-year delay and touted how the start of the service would be an economic engine that could pump more than $600 million annually into the region and create 3,000 jobs.

The Qantas flights also will provide a boost to LAX, which is seeing flights dwindle as airlines slash service amid high fuel costs and low demand.

Total weekly departures at LAX are expected to fall nearly 20% in November compared with a year earlier. The deepest cuts have come from U.S. carriers such as United Airlines and Delta Air Lines.

But foreign carriers are mitigating some of the falloff. Next week, Emirates Airlines is scheduled to begin nonstop service from LAX to Dubai, and carriers based in South Korea are likely to increase flights to LAX after President Bush last week approved a visa waiver program for that country.

Under the program, which had been mostly confined to Western European allies, South Korean visitors will no longer need a visa if they stay in the U.S. for less than 90 days. It is intended to boost travel by friends and family of South Korean immigrants in the region, which has the largest concentration of South Koreans outside of the Asian country.

“We are expecting more travelers,” said John E. Jackson, Korean Air’s director of passenger marketing and sales for the Americas. The airline is the busiest Asian carrier at LAX. “We’re actually finalizing our summer schedule for 2009 right now, and we intend to increase capacity.”

The Qantas A380 had the limelight Monday as it parked next to a comparably diminutive Boeing 707, one of the industry’s first passenger jets. This 707, built in the late 1950s, is owned and flown by John Travolta, a pilot, aviation enthusiast and Qantas booster.

Although the A380 is about 25% larger than a typical long-haul aircraft, passengers said they had few problems with the arrival process. Some observers have criticized the plane as being too large and have raised concerns that it would clog airport operations.

Also on the maiden flight was Luke Chittock, a travel agent from Perth, who is one of a handful of people who have been on every A380 inaugural service. He was on the first-ever A380 passenger flight, on Singapore Airlines, and then the first A380 flight to the U.S. on Emirates Airlines, which traveled from Dubai to New York.

“Whew! Got another one under my belt,” Chittock said, adding that the flights are “all about the same now.”

Qantas plans to fly the A380 from LAX to Melbourne twice a week, and on Friday the airline will begin another A380 service between Sydney and LAX. The carrier, which has ordered 20 of the $300-million planes, currently operates six flights a day between Australia and the Los Angeles airport, flying mostly 747 jumbo jets.

The airline decided to inaugurate the A380 on its service to LAX because the route is considered one of the most profitable in the world. A round-trip business-class ticket on the A380 fetched more than $18,000.

During the A380’s layover in L.A. on Monday, Qantas took about 200 travel agents, journalists and public officials on a two-hour flight in the plane over California. It included a flyover the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco before returning to LAX.

In a reunion of the stars from the musical film “Grease,” Travolta, wearing his pilot captain’s uniform, and Newton-John, dressed as one of the flight attendants, walked down the plane’s aisle together, shaking hands and promoting the new plane for Qantas.

“It’s whole lot different being a crew,” she said, with Travolta standing next to her. “I’m just trying not to spill the champagne.”

Pae is a Times staff writer.

Isn’t Airbus a French company?

If so, shouldn’t the thread title be “France does it again”?

Particularly as France supplies a rather large part of the international airliner fleet?

This particular air bus is running under the Qantas banner and Qantas is in Austrailia and not France, in case you didn’t know that. This airbus has major parts made in Germany, United States, England, Spain and France. But I thought instead of saying, the countries of the free world does it again, the title Austailia does it again sounded better considering that the small island took the initive to purchase the gigantice airplane as opposed to more wealthier and populated nations like USA or Germany. I think it is quite an undertaking.

It’s hard to know where Qantas is, given the way it outsources its maintenance to questionable sources to save money.

Yeah, well, if we were offered the military equivalent of an Edsel we’d probably leap at it, too.

Time will tell if it’s a good idea, or if Qantas can manage to keep them airborne against decreasing odds following recent air incidents.

My only worry is that if the Airbus crashes then the name Qantas will be labelled and people will avoid the airline because they associate the biggest air bus in the world to the name and consider any plane of My only worry is that if the Airbus crashes then the name Qantas will be as being a liability. There are positive things to come out of this huge undertaking but the cons are something of a liability for the entire airline if anything bad happens. Secondly, being the biggest passenger airplane in the world,seems like an interesting target for terrorists. After all, the terrorists didn’t pick the world trade centre for nothing!. Targeting a jet like this would make super headlines. I hope Australia airport security is as stringent as it is in USA.
I can’t speak for other countries, but a lot of the airport security and baggage handlers in Toronto are either Sikh or Pakistani or Indian. I guess the low pay encourages the minority’s to get the jobs. Considering that Sikh extremists casued the Air India crash off of Newfoundland many yrs ago, and a lot of terrorists are from Pakistan origin, I wonder how a low paying baggage handler or private security staff in Toronto Airport would react if they were offered say, 410,000 to let someone with a bomb or gun sneak by. Anyways, I saw John Travolta on TV last night promoting the Qantas airbus. Apparently he has a lot of training with Qantas under his belt, considering he’s a qualified pilot. I wonder if he will fly the Air bus one day!

The A-380 is the world’s largest passenger jet, not the world’s largest jet. That honour belongs to the Ukranian Antonov-224, which is an absolute behemoth.

Actually, Airbus is the civilian aircraft branch of the EADS, which is a Dutch registered company owned by French, German, Spanish and British aircraft manufacturers.
Major parts are being manufactured in all of these countries (e.g. the wings of the A380 come from Filton, UK, the tail fins from CASA, Spain, Fuselage sections from Germany, where the aircraft are also receiving their interior and paint jobs, the French do the assembly of the major sections and developed the electronics ), plus hundreds of sub assemblies and parts are coming from all over the world, including the US and Japan.
So Airbus is essentially an EUROPEAN company.

The launch customer of the A380 was Singapore Airlines, which received the first three or four aircraft. Several major European airlines, like Lufthansa and Air France, have ordered the A380 as well and are waiting to receive their first planes.
Other big buyers are Qantas, Emirates and Ethihad.

BTW, PDF27, I think you mean the Antonov 225. I have seen this aircraft from close up and it is gigantic. Even the (slightly) smaller sister, the Antonov 124 resembles a ship more than an aircraft.


Just wait till the wings roots start cracking, you wont be able to fly rubber doggy doo in one.

[b]Cry for help!

A SYDNEY undertaker who harassed a female driver by following her in a hearse[/b] with tinted windows has a mental health problem, a magistrate has been told.

Adam Lee should be placed on a psychiatric treatment plan, his lawyer Roland Bonnici told the Downing Centre Local Court during sentencing submissions today.

Lee, 37, of inner-city Surry Hills, was found guilty earlier this year of disqualified driving, drink driving, driving in a menacing manner and not obeying police instructions.

Lee had claimed a fellow funeral employee had been driving the hearse late one night in December 2004 when Maureen Wyer was followed.

Mr Bonnici said Lee was convicted and fined $15,000 last month for two fraud matters dating back to November 2001.

He said the offences related to a wrong body being cremated and another being buried, and bills being sent out to each family.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Paul McGirr, referring to Mr Bonnici’s contention Lee’s driving had almost been a cry for help, said: "The only cry for help was the one from Maureen Wyer in respect to being followed by a hearse.’’

The matter is continuing before Magistrate Christine Haskett.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Last month a Qantas Airbus A330 flight plunged from 35,000 feet to 650 feet in seconds after electronic systems malfunctioned. It was a very rare event and one reason researchers are investigating is that communications from the naval base it was flying near affected the flight systems.

An investigation into a mishap involving a Qantas flight last month is centring on an electronic black box which produced spurious message signals causing the aircraft to dive suddenly.

There was also a possibility the incident was caused externally by signals from a naval communications base near Exmouth in Western Australia, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau said today.

Forty-four of the 313 people on board required hospital treatment after the Qantas Airbus A330, flying from Singapore to Perth on October 7, suddenly plunged, hurling passengers around the cabin.

The aircraft was cruising at 37,000 feet when the fault occurred, causing it to descend up to 650 feet in seconds.

The pilot made an emergency landing at Learmonth in north-western WA.

An initial investigation pointed to a fault in the plane’s air data inertial reference system which sent erroneous information to the flight control computer, causing the autopilot to shut down.

The bureau today released a preliminary report of its inquiry, saying the electronic black box - known as ADIRU (Air Data Inertial Reference Unit) - was normally highly reliable.

It was extremely rare for such failures to have an effect on an aircraft’s flight control, inquiry official Kerryn Macaulay told reporters in Canberra.

"The three ADIRUs will be subject to comprehensive testing at the manufacturer’s facility in the US,’’ she said.

Testing is planned to start on Monday.

The bureau’s investigation is also considering the possibility the incident was caused by external interference, possibly by signals from the Navy’s Harold E Holt submarine’s communications base.

Air Bus is European, one of the trully joint projects, UK builds the wings and some other stuff including the Rolls Royce Engines.

Is this RS on his way to the office?

A380 built by France, and first time user is Singapore Airline,. Singapore-Sydney route,. and now serving Sydney-singapore-London,.

I do not see Australia/n got anything to be the first in here

Look what the past AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister John Howard once said:
…I wish the Canadian Prime Minister could be so tough!. Way to go Australia!

[b]Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques. Quote: ‘IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.’

‘This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom’

‘We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!’

‘Most Australians believe in God… This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.’

‘We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.’

‘This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE’.’

‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.’[/b]

That make sense to me. Don’t expect the country you moved to to change to fit your wishes, you’re the one who needs to change.

You know Churchill, your dam right on that. It’s bad enough I have to see women wearing the Veil over their face and head driving the school bus! There should be a law against it. Putting the school children at risk from some woman who can barely see out of her veil, because she’s protected by religious freedom rights. Oh Brother!

My Favourite AUSTRALIAN owned restaurant has pulled out in Ontario…
…it is a very very sad day…no more asking for another shrimp on the Bar-bee at Outback…boo hoo hoo

The Australian steakhouse concept, Outback Steakhouse Canada, has closed all of its restaurants in Ontario, effective March 23.
The company said the decision to exit Ontario was a difficult one and it was made only after considerable reflection and analysis.
“We have enjoyed the privilege of a loyal customer base in Ontario since we first opened in 1996. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to our guests for their patronage throughout the years,” the company said on a notice on its website.
Outback Steakhouse Canada is looking for ways to honour active gift cards as conveniently as possible for its customers and suggests checking its website next week for details.
The company reportedly operated nine restaurants in Ontario.
OSI Restaurant Partners owns Outback Steakhouse Canada and is headquartered in Tampa, Fla. It was founded in 1988.

Mar 24, 2009 04:30 AM

I don’t know about you, but I’m afraid to visit Australia after reading about this!
At least at Toronto Airport we have RCMP police on hand with guns in case of rowdy passengers. Hell, we even Tasered a guy to death in British Columbia last year.
Where the hell are the police at Australia airports? Are they too busy eating at Outback Steak Houses and sizzling their Shrimps on the barbee?.hello? It’s a fair question!:rolleyes:

SYDNEY, Australia – Police didn’t arrive in force until about 15 minutes after biker gangs started brawling inside Australia’s busiest airport. More than a day later, police had not managed to view surveillance camera footage of the violence, which left a man bleeding to death in front of horrified travellers.
But Australian authorities defended their response, saying the fight erupted without warning among at least 15 heavily tattooed men who rampaged from the ground floor upstairs to the departures hall.
“The police can’t be everywhere all the time,” Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty said.
Sunday’s fight began after a group from the Hells Angels and one from the Comancheros gang got off a flight from Melbourne, according to a police document in court.
Witnesses said the bikers picked up large metal barrier poles and swung them at each other.
Police said they believe the man who died was Anthony Zervas, 29, the brother of a well-known Sydney biker.
The court document said most of the fighters fled – some in taxis – as police arrived in numbers, about 15 minutes after the brawl began.
Keelty admitted the violence took them by surprise but said officers responded quickly. Authorities also acknowledged they had yet to watch security camera footage of the brawl because police were having problems downloading it.

You know that had me wondering. In the States there are cops all over every airport, even smaller ones, so how did it take the cops there 15 minutes to arrive in force? It may take a cities SWAT team 15 minutes to make it to an airport here but there could be plenty of officers there in a few minutes.

This whole thing is a farce. Some members of the opposing groups travelled on the same plane and according to other passengers trouble was brewing during the flight. Then they arrived at the airport after each group had used mobile (cell for you Yanks :slight_smile: ) phones on the plane to get some more support to the airport. The brawl is variously described as lasting from 30 seconds to 15 minutes. There are differing accounts of when police were first notified and how long they took to respond. One thing is for sure: our airport security appears to be designed by morons and staffed by incompetents which, given they’re Federal Police who generally don’t do real police work, is merely stating the obvious. Police appear to be unable to get useful video evidence because there are four or five different systems running at the airport and they’re not the most modern.

Retribution may already have started, although if so it’s just the next step in a continuing war between bikie gangs for control of criminal enterprises. I hope the bastards wipe each other out, although they’ll probably be replaced by more bastards of the same type.

A matter of greater concern on the terrorism front is that, thanks to our brilliant immigration policy of bringing in scum from all over the planet since WW II ended, some of the bikie gangs now have a heavily Middle Eastern membership. Given the involvement of Middle Eastern scum in serious crime here and their sympathies with the likes of Hezbollah, they are a potential threat as actors or suppliers in terrorist actions or violent actions against, for example, Jews and Jewish interest. Just more imported shit that we didn’t need and didn’t have until we brought in scum whose sole contribution to the country has been to have up to three generations live on social security while supplementing that income with crime while living in government housing and generally sucking as much out of the public tit as they can get, when they’re not flying back and forth to their country of origin at a cost nobody reliant solely on social security income could afford.

Looks like whoever killed the bloke at the airport saved the taxpayers the cost of a police investigation, trial and imprisonment.

Bikie murdered at Sydney Airport linked to police officer stabbing
Arjun Ramachandran
March 25, 2009 - 7:36AM

The bikie brutally killed at Sydney Airport on Sunday was wanted by police over the stabbing of an off-duty police officer in Sydney’s south last week.

Anthony Zervas, 29, was bludgeoned to death with metal bollards in the domestic terminal after a brawl erupted between two warring bike gangs, the Hells Angels and the Comanchero.

Mr Zervas was apparently not a member of the Hells Angels, but had been on a flight from Melbourne with his brother Peter, a member, and Derek Wainohu, the club’s Guildford chapter president.

Police this morning said they had been pursuing Mr Zervas over the stabbing of an off duty officer at Brighton-Le-Sands on Friday, but had called off the chase after his death.

“We would allege he was a person of interest … allegedly a co-offender in the incident,” a police spokesman said.

It is alleged Mr Zervas and another man were trying to get into a unit block on The Grand Parade about 1pm when the officer intervened and tried to stop them. Police would not say whether the men were trying to break into the apartment.

There was an argument and one of the men allegedly pulled out a knife and stabbed the officer twice in his left arm, police said.

The officer managed to shut the glass door to the unit but the man carrying the knife allegedly kicked the door, smashing the glass.

The two men then ran off.

Police yesterday arrested a 40-year-old man at his apartment on The Grand Parade.

He was charged with concealing a serious offence and will face Central Local Court today.

The police officer had stitches at St George Hospital and was released.