Australian navy pays for breast enlargements for female sailors

The Royal Australian Navy is under pressure to explain why it has spent tens of thousands of pounds paying for female sailors to have breast enlargements.

“Under defence policy, we do consider the broader needs of our people, both physical and psychological,” said Brigadier Andrew Nikolic, a defence department spokesman.

Australian wunderwaffe perhaps? :smiley:

Or just pretty odd way to spend defence budjet? Why buy panzers, when you can buy… %-D


As an Australian taxpayer, I object to this expenditure.

Unless I can see what I’m getting for my money. :smiley:

As a matter of interest, how did this get to Finland? it was only reported here in the last day or two.

Guess what we do for the male sailors who feel a bit inadequate?

Whole matter is like something from Austin Powers:
“Does this mean Australia is ‘harder’ to invade?”

I saw it on the finnish online news-site (quality news-selecting obviously ;-)), and after that on english online newspapers.

Reminds me of similar story (wise money spending)… Didn’t the U.S. military buy sand and transport it to Saudi-Arabia some years ago (or something like that)?

But seriously… imagine there is a conflict, and troops die because of old/missing equipment - because money has been spent on this type of “armament”. Not funny.


Billions of dollars have been wasted by and on our defence public servants and military brass, not to mention the governments that supposedly control them, and their long tradition of bad defence purchases and management and pointless activities. Most of them couldn’t organise a small piss-up in a large brewery.

They come up with brilliant ideas like buying the Austrian Steyr rifle for our basic army weapon. Some of the original assessments said it’s a very good weapon, as long as it doesn’t have to operate in less than ideal conditions such as sand and dust.

And what is there a lot of in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention most of Australia?

And what complaints have been made about the Steyr?

Surprise! Surprise!

Here’s another example of what the outstandingly stupid boneheads who run our defence system have achieved by being suckered into trying to use a 1960’s airframe to take us well into the 21st century (just how dumb can they be!), but it’s a bigger story than the summary on the first screen here.

They’re no better when it comes to major procurements, either.

At least there was a point, or two, to the boob jobs. And it sounds like an uplifting exercise, too. :smiley:

If we can’t have decent weapons for our soldiers and hugely expensive helicopters than can actually fly the tasks the seller said they could, along with a lot of other things that don’t live up to procurement standards we’ve paid a bundle for, at least we’ve got nice tits for our lady sailors. Possibly one of the few times we actually see something for the silly money spent by our defence establishment.

Very funny, I always tough that the australian girls were naturally big breasted. :smiley:

If only.

This is what we need over here, as the national standard. :wink:

Not just for headlights, either. :smiley:

As for the RAN sheilas who were a bit light-on in the nork department, the correct solution was not to pump them up but to assign them to a duty suited to their physique. Somewhere where space is at a premium. Like a submarine.

Although they’d end up being pumped up ferociously by the dolphin boys. :smiley:

I heard a similar news story involving the U.S. military. Apparently it was used as a recruiting tool and plastic surgery experience for the Army docs.

Maybe they’re life-preservers? Like internal Mae Wests? :smiley:

I read in a newspaper article (probably ten years ago or so) that British women had 38 inch breasts on average.

I wonder why that stuck in your mind for ten years? :smiley:

If only.

This is what we need over here, as the national standard. :wink:

Not just for headlights, either

You get stuck with that one are you ? :slight_smile:

Here is a improved variant of the T-shirt.

I wonder why that stuck in your mind for ten years? :D[/QUOTE]

Hey, that’s highly significant information. Well worth storing in my memory banks for over ten years. :slight_smile:

Mate, she’s a stunner. Very natural. Vital.

Much better than the overly made up second one with the rectangular black teats. :smiley:

Agreed. :smiley:

Much better than the overly made up second one with the rectangular black teats

That was the self censorship, the worst kind of :rolleyes:

Tens years is nothing…that’s the sort of thing you take to the grave!

It is truly a Mad World.