Australian pictures

Australian War Memorial - Collections search

WW2 related (and not only). Actually are about 10,000 pictures WW2 related. :smiley:

Great site Dani! :slight_smile:

That is a great site, I could only find a hand full with google!


good site

Another good site for Images and history is

I go to that site all the time. It is a great if I must say so myself.
Here are some World War 2 Australian pictures

Australian Squad

Not 100% sure on this. Caption said it was Australian Navy Crew Members

The first Picture of the Naval Personnel are in Kreigmarine Uniform.

Could be Australians, dressed as Germans for whatever reason. In 1940-41, anti-commerce raiding would have been a good reason, or maybe just a group photo of individuals used for German uniform recognition photos.

Or they could be Germans, such as those captured from the Kormoran after it sunk the Sydney.

Some seem happy enough, most not. Their expressions are consistent with either view.

Germans became fairly insignificant for RAN and other Allied operations in the Pacific and Indian oceans after Japan entered the war.

The landscape and the trees in the background are very Australian. Look like gum (eucalypt) trees, and on farming or cleared land where the hill has been left alone while the flatter land in the foreground has been cleared.

The land they’re standing on has gone beyond being cleared to being denuded.

The white line behind their mid calf on the right and their knee on the left, which seems to go around behind them coming out just below the wrist of the man on the right, suggests they’re near the edge of a marked sports field.

Only other places you’ll find gum trees in any abundance is Papua New Guinea and California, but the large fallen trunks in mid field are too old for the California trees which hadn’t been in California anywhere long enough by WWII to get to that size. If they’re gum tree trunks.

Do you have a link to that photo? I might be able to track it down.