
Man forgot he was married

An Australian man was told his marriage was invalid - because he had married 30 years earlier during a drunken bender.

The 67-year-old remembered a “nice” blonde woman he met in Arizona during shore leave from his job as an oil rig cook but says he had no idea they married.

“He has no recollection of going through any form of ceremony of marriage with her, or of discussing marriage, or of anything referable to marriage,” said Justice Sally Brown, annulling the marriage.

The 67-year-old, who cannot be identified, told the Australian Daily Telegraph that “the sky fell in” when he was shown the Arizona marriage licence.

“I looked at the signature and thought it could have been mine or it could not have been,” he said.

In 1978, he would still have been married to his first wife. He had since divorced and married his Hawaiian girlfriend. It was when they applied to live in Hawaii that US immigration authorities broke the news.

He said his latest wife, who has become his girlfriend again because their marriage was declared invalid, was very understanding.

“We have been with each other on and off for over 20 years in Australia,” he said. "She’s a terrific, a top cook. She looks after me and I take care of her. I couldn’t find anything better.

“I’m an old-fashioned guy. I’m loving and I believe that for a marriage to work, it has to be a two-way street. She does the washing, I hang it out on the line.”

Now that he is officially single, he plans to make his current girlfriend his wife - again.

That’s why I don’t drink more than two or three beer at a time, hihi :smiley:

I have no doubt he was very drunk. It is the only state in which most non-poofter adult Australian males can undergo the horrors of matrimony forced upon them by some silly sheila.

It is also the only state in which most blokes can endure the eternally painful aftermath of a marriage ceremony, and I say this after ruining my liver to enable me to clock up 35 years with my first wife.

But the marriage in the OP was a long time ago, before full service laundromats, cheap lawn mowing services, cable sport television, and home delivered pizza came in.

After they arrived, it’s hard to see any reason to inflict a nagging little Aussie (or American or any other brand of) battleaxe on yourself. :smiley:

First wife??

You mean you asked for more?

Was it just an excuse to continue ruining your live?

I didn’t ask for the first one, but I’m still saddled with her.

Sorry, joyously enduring her. :wink:

I’m not so stupid I’d go for a second one.

As somebody (Oscar Wilde?) once observed

“A second marriage is a triumph of hope over experience.”

My experience is such that there is no scope for hope to triumph. :smiley:

One need only watch the series of Foster’s beer commercials, to learn the cultural nuances of Australian life. (my personal favorites are the “Locksmith”, and “marriage counselor” spots. :slight_smile:

I can’t imagine why anyone would bother with marrigage counselling.

Talk about flogging a dead horse. :smiley:

i remember the commercial involved a man, and woman arm wrestling, she pins him, at which point her son says" awright!! my moms moving in". I personally subscribe to the Al Bundy view point of marriage.


So do I, but I’m not stupid - or brave - enough to express it. :smiley: