
Lets talk about avatars und signatures.
Does firefly make his own “smoking guy” avatars? If so, How?
just curious.

King Rædwald

Anglo-Saxon, warrior king. His burial mound discovered in 1939 at Sutton Hoo (rough translation - Hill by the Water). British warrior icon, symbolizing British fighting spirit at the opening of WW2.

Awesome! Oh yhea, mine is Kroenen from the movie Hellboy and the sig is… okay better not say.

My current signature is the motto of the Knights of the Garter:

“Shame on those who think this evil!”


So youre interested in wwii UK?

Depends on your meaning. War in Britain, or war involving Britian?

I have a secret stash of Avatars that smoke various things…

My avatar is the coat-of-arms of Munich - my hometown. It’s the coat-of-arms which is in use since 1957, the original one looks like that.
The emblem shows a monk with a ‘Eidbuch’ (loyalty book for monks) in his left and the right hand risen to swear on it.
We call it ‘Münchner Kindl’ (Child of Munich) and every year a new female Münchner Kindl get’s elected. See Wikipedia

PS: Munich was originally called Munichen and means ‘Bei den Mönchen’ - ‘At the Monks’.
In the Middleage it grew fast because of its important river crossing tax station along a big salt transportation route.

Yes, we can supply avatars but only if our exclusive computer program algorithms which analyse known facts about a member from their IP address, internet history and so on can produce an appropriate image, which rarely happens.

However, we ran you through our computer and you are in the very select group which produced an image. But it came up with this rather mystifiying image, which doesn’t seem to relate to your interest in WWII.

Can you, or any other member, throw any light on why you think this image came up?

Really? I think you’re using the wrong program mate, my PC came up with this one…

It could have been this one,


Well… my avatar is the official seal of the U.S. Navy. My dad, one of my uncles (mothers side), and two of my nephews have served in the Navy. The signature is a Navy recruitment poster which I had to downsize to get to fit, so it’s hard to see. And I’m a sergeant major (on the site, not real life). As for the saying, I read it and thought it funny.

Ha, being an Australian you should no better. Every kid knows which deadly subspecies keep terrorizing the Australian coasts.


No, none of us love cats.

I like grammar. pdf27 likes lampshades. tankgeezer likes clowns. FTG likes sharks.

I can’t see where you get the cat connection from.

If I was you, I’d surprise everyone and go for a cat.

thats funny, I posted something and now its gone. Did somebody delete it?..maybe i didn’t push the save button.oh well, All I said was that I like My Avatar cause it represents respect and authority; somehting I never seem to get on this site…but I try!!

I have George S. Patton as my Avatar and had it on since the beginning like most members have, my signature has various quotes from him and my favorite small arm from the war, a M1 garand. Nothing special really and at the moment I might add a favorite saying from Murphy.

I thought it would be surprising for a viper to go for a cat, because a cat can make a viper disappear.

If it was a pic you posted, some websites resent you linking their pics and they take them down…

What picture?.I did not post a picture in this thread.really?.wow, I swear I don’t know of any picture I posted and even if I did, how would they take them down?I thought only you were the supreme boss on this website? You mean there are outside elements out there that are higher in authority than you!..that is scarry
p.s. i did not post a picture???unless I was drunk!