Avatars, pictures and images

Well, I’m glad theres a good moderator.

OK, now please remove the logo on your avatar.

The users also agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, racist, xenophobic, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate applicable laws. Doing so may lead to the authors of such posts being immediately and permanently banned (and their service provider being informed).

More details here: http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=189

Also check this thread:http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=7338#7338 for more understanding.

Well I hope I help this might be useful for the avatar problem.

Greetings :!:

Works for me Charles.

Cheers Charles! :smiley:

Thanks for the avatar, Charles. But I don’t believe my current avatar is in any way abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, racist, xenophobic, or sexually-oriented. But I like the one charles made for me, so Ill skip to that one.

Well no problem, in the discussion of if the avatar was abusive, obscene etc… I don’t really want to enter a discussion but I think its quite obvious what quite a few people have demanded in other topics but well lets leave it here…

Charles great job when i find good ww2 image can i sent to you to make me a nice avatar . :wink:

Well no proble but it is very easy. The ones I did before were done with paint and another prehistorical program but now Ive managed to get better programs and can make something worthful :wink:

Well no proble but it is very easy. The ones I did before were done with paint and another prehistorical program but now Ive managed to get better programs and can make something worthful :wink:[/quote]

Great and i have a lot of nice programs i know how to make a picture but i dont know how to set as avatar,how to give url adress to my image do you know what i mean.


You just upload your artwork to a site where you can link to here. There are many Image shack for one.

Topic splitted.

Thanks i will see what i can do .

A site to host your pics:


Easy to host

Thanks its easy now. :lol: :lol:

:? My avatar is of a sniper. But as the rules go by on this site ( 90x90 ) + 8kb i can’t find a single sharpshooter image. if you can give me or tell me where to find an image with this specs and of a sharpshooter please inform me on private message or on this topic. Thanks.[/img]

Why dont you shrink it down to fit in?

I would only that i’m not good with computors and i’ve already tried but i couldn’t get it from the url thingy.

Hiddenrug, please post your avatar here: http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=29797#29797
Tiger will shrink it as he is responsible with avatars.

Resize your pic and make it the way you want it. Then host it in www.image-shack.us and then in your profile with the pic you have just host.