Axis troops joking - Italian Forces | Gallery

Axis troops joking

Italian and German troops joking as they meet in the Yugoslavian campaign. Outskirt of Ragusa di Dalmazia(Dubrovnik), april 16, 1941. DVX

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Maybe they were telling the following story:

On his way to some galadinner Mussolini’s car broke down.The car wouldn’t start up again so Mussolini called for a towtruck to get his car to a garage to get it fixed.Meanwhile he decided to visit a local cinema to kill the time.As usual in those days,before the film began a newsprogram was being projected.First event shown was a fascist mass meeting.Everyone in the audience stood upright.Mussolini on the other hand ducked down a bit.Next the Royal family appeared on the screen.Everybody cried out:E viva!Again Mussolini tried to make himself smaller still.Last on the newsshow Mussolini himself was on the screen.The building shook while the audience applauded Il Duce.
At that moment the man next to him tapped him on the shoulder and whispered:I’m a anti-fascist myself but take my advice:if you care for your life,hurry and stand up!