B-17 Crash pictures

I’m looking for pictures of B-17s that have crashed, I am wanting to make a diorama for a war gaming board and have an airfix B-17 ready to butcher!

Thanks for all help guys!

These are only samples.
More at:

Iwish I had more time to search ;(
All these B-17s, so beatiful…

Did you try Google Image?
You could try looking around here…

Thanks Guys!

I should have used google image search but I was at college at the time and the computers there block the image search function.

Thanks Guys!

Are you particularly looking for B-17 only? Will another WW2-era American bomber do? If so, I have this really awesome (in a sad way) pic of a B-24 burning and about to crash into the ground picture on my site:


First prototipe crashed and burned.

Here are some with nose damage…

B17 Nose Damage.jpg

B17 Nose Damage (1).gif

B17 Nose Damage (2).jpg

Any idea what caused that damage VonWeyer, exploding flak just off the nose?


Yeah it looks that way.
What fascinates me is how tough they must have built the B17’s.
They could take a lot of punishment.
I have heard of one that returned to base with only one engine working and was pretty badly shot up(See the clip i have just posted in the video uploads section of the forum).

I have one interesting photo:

Last minutes of life of B-17.
As can you see cabin is fully destructed. I think the resault of direct hit of artillery shell or rocket from the fighter.
Flyers certainly dead. But what is amazing - all the engines still works?
It seems this photo from the Korean war.

An amazing photo Chevan.
B17’s were certainly rugged.

They didn’t call it the Flying Fortress for nothing! :cool:

Get your model, after finishing as it would look for flight (don’t go to nuts about neatness and accuracy) light it on fire with gasolene then throw it off the roof.

Put out model, and mount on diarama.


Not that amazing about the top photo. The engines are still working because none of the fuel lines are cut, and the wire system for the cut off valves and limited electrics wouldn’t have shut any pipes down.

Daft as it sounds, the damage is not that critical for flight. You just can’t control it :smiley:

Well done you finally got that out of your system.

I think your assesment is pretty much correct.:wink:

The photo posted by Chevan is of a B-17 hit by heavy flak. It seems the shell did not explode however. Yes the B-17 was tough and could absorb considerable punishment, however like any plane damage to controls, hydraulics, control wires, fuel tanks and of course the pilot/co-pilot was most often fatal.

Regards Digger.

Thanx for the feedback Digger.

Thank guys for comments.
Do anybody know what is the war touching on this photo:WW2 or Korean?
One my friend told its a Korean war but i doubt B-17 took part in Korean war.

I don’t know if the one in the photo is or isn’t.
The B17 as far as i know had a very limited service(a couple of month’s) in the Korean war. It was the B29 that still served in the Korean war.


Its WW2.
The B-17 was not in used in the Korean war