Ban Stevey14/88

After being a member of this site for a few months now i have come to accept evey once in a while you see a ill informed ass or two on the forum but Stevey has to be the biggest of all after reading much of his anti semetic post of how Russians and the other sub humans should be wiped clean i now would like to start a site movement to get him banned or suspended from the site if any one agrees say Aye

You mean Aye, right? Sure, I’ll say “I”.

sorry for my Aye problem I is a habit:)

Also for those of you who are new this is the post that set me off

I don’t know steveys lifestyle. Nor am I necessarily defending him as his seeming beliefs are not my beliefs. I’ve read many past posts between him and others that are knowledgeable on the subjects in question. Unless he contradicts me, his stance seems to have changed on some subjects (i.e. the holocaust). This may be a site for ww2 pics, but some of the forums open up discussions on these topics. So why not hear others views however misinformed. Maybe this is the only place where he in particular can get views on the real perspective of life. Not that it’s our responsibilty, but if it changes someones viewpoint, then I can handle a few rants.

I wouldn’t ban him. Yet.

If he continues to post race hatred stuff he’ll be suspended or banned by the mods, but for the time being he’s had a mod warning and a strong reaction from other members to his anti-slav rubbish, so he can either keep those views to himself or express them again and get what he deserves for being a neo-Nazi and an imbecile who doesn’t learn from his mistakes.

How the heck is stevey a man?

Of course he is. Have you seens phtos of his girlfriends in his profile?
Take a look:
Stevey is a real macho-muchacho!

A debate involves reasoned statements.

You’re just spewing mindless race hatred, which can’t be reasoned with.

So fuck off.

The question should really be whether it is appropriate to be discussing such issues with someone who has clearly nailed his colours to the mast by having such a provocative username?

Most people here can work out the 88 but the 14 is equally provocative, and explicitally makes it clear that it isn’t just “anti-russian” attitudes in question, but a key “code” of white nationalists. Some forums would have banned him just for that.

Debate is a reasoned arguement where there is a possibility of attitudes and views changing. If he really accepts the tenants of debate then he should change his username, atleast, to prove his flexibility.

Stevey, my dear friend!
Firt of all, there is no need to call you a Nazi - your avatar and your word speak for themself.
Secondly, debating implies mutual effort. So far there is no sane effort from your side whatsoever. So that is where debating with you ends.

Being older I do understand that in your age one feels like he can do anything and feels almost invinsible. But trust me you have to grow up. Please try to think about it yourself! Do not just reject my word because I am Russian.
The feeling that some of us have listening to your philosophical perls are exactly the same as you whould have listening to someone 15 years younger.

Do you debate with 3 y.o.? :slight_smile:

I say all this with a sencere intention of assisting you.

I am absolutely clueless…
What is “the code” of his username?


I was as clueless as Egorka.

Destroys any tolerance I ever had for Stevey.

Ohhh my God…
What a kindergarted it is with all those slogans and numbers…
BTW Mr.Goebbels was absolutely against this carp! :wink:

I believe Goebbels was against all fish :mrgreen:

You know what i would debate you that is considering that a debate would be on stable based arguments not stupid racist and retarded filled logic so if you can just stop with all the russian hating then yea we can have a debate

I read Stevey’s post to. It is upsetting. I don’t know what was worse, his words or his age. For someone that young to be so angry it is very scary. I hope someone that cares for him is paying attention. Such fuel can be very dangerous.

" let he who has not sinned cast the first stone " is my motto, stevey is a good guy, he has his opinion, and should be allowed to express it, he’s told me america sucks before and i can still be friends with him, instead of banning a 16 year old young man from free speech, which countless millions have died for, use your own life experiuences to educate and change the younger minds if needed. just my point of view, i dont claim to be DR Phil or anything :slight_smile:

i found the 88 words inspiring, not racist