? Ban "What's your favourite ...?" threads?

Should threads such as “What’s your favourite pistol?” (or tank, or rifle, or aircraft, or blue light kit or anything else) be allowed?

If people would take the time to research if an existing “favorite” thread has been done or is in the archives it would go a long way on cutting down on this matter. Some of these threads have been decent reading.

Aye NS, some have been interesting, mainly when a member who actually knows what they’re talking about, (as opposed to thinking they know what they’re talking about,) corrects the plethora of myth and fantasy posted by utter planks.

Perhaps there should be a couple of moderators to deal only with the subject of firearms and who will be ruthless in weeding out the dross.
I would suggest Bas and Man of Stoat.

In a Democracy, we should have the right to be free from censorship. I don’t like the idea that Mods weed out what they think should be allowed or not. If a thread is stupid or has no value then simply don’t comment a post into it. I don’t like censorship.boo!!!

Yeaa!!!..The Mods are not in today :cool:as they are on Christmas vacation. I just know it. We can write whatever we want…Yeaaaaaaaa…I feel like a kid ina candy store…bla bla bla…

Herman, you write whatever you want even if we’re not on vacation. :wink: :smiley:


However this site is not a democracy, it is a private website where the Admin permits us to post.
I’m quite happy with that, different mods have different takes on things & those that are off the wall or particularly biased are removed from office.

For example, a poster might have a bias against a certain nationality or race, what we call xenophobia or racism.
To have these thoughts is their right.

But in the current political climate of world in which we live; acting on these feelings is, rightly or wrongly, considered to be at best antisocial and at worst illegal.

So if the hypothetical poster were to voice their xenophobic feelings on the site they are likely to be warned off in the first case and probably banned on subsequent occurrences, dependent on the way they had phrased the post and the will of the moderators concerned.

That, my old son, is censorship.
Like it or lump it.

I think they should; searching through a couple of pages shouldn’t be too hard, and existing threads like that have relevant information already in place.

Some people(especially if they are quite new to the forum medium) don’t even know there is a search option.Although it would add duties to the mod’s work,wouldn’t it be easier to fuse a new thread with an older one? New members could bring new points of view and that can be a good thing…most of the time.
Personally it doesn’t bother me,if I am not interested I just ignore the thread.

Holidays? What are they?

There are gazillion forums out there filled with the same weekly basic threads (“Panther rocks”, “your favourite general 1) Rommel 2) Rommel 3) Rommel”…), it would be nice to have some quality/newbie control (ie banning/deleting/blocking all the repeating threads without substance). Quality over quantity. Forum dictatorship over democracy.

Why waste their time?

You don’t need to be an expert on anything to pick a knob thread. For example, which are the knob threads in the following?

Why did Germany rely so heavily on horse drawn transport in WWII?

What was the average age of kamikaze pilots in the last months of the war?

Why didn’t Japan try to sink more Allied merchant shipping?

Who is your favourite German general, Rommel or Guderian?

Why didn’t the French Fleet come over to the Allies?

Was Hitler really a coprophagic niece rooter?

What was the best SMG in WWII?

I’d be ruthless in weeding out knob threads but, the way the voting is going so far, half the population wants knob threads. Given past experience, they won’t be disappointed by the constant appearance of knob threads. :frowning:

Again, You quoted me in your clip to Cuts. Waz your problem? You got a hard on for me or something?. You think i’m operating in China now with this thing called a proxy server(whatever the hell that is). I see through your words. You going on this Paranoia think like the way RS did 2 mths ago when he thought I was Aly J?..Mr.Churchill, I am very disappointed in your association with words against me. I thought you were an ok Bloke until now. I aint got no gripe with you, so why you quoting my frigin name asswipe. Go witch hunt some one else Mr. Know it all. Leave the proxy crap to the Mods. you inclined to them already TWICE something about me, and i don’t like it. It’s there job, not YOURS and I’ll say the same thing I told RS when he accused me: Go ahead and look all you want at my IP thing and see if I ever sent any PM’s to anyone or whatever the hell the Mods or even the owner does, to clarify that I am not impostering anybody…ok?.Your hear me. God, what a way to make my New Year, by having allegations from someone I use to think was cool. Now NOT! Asswipe!

Um, he quoted you but I don’t think he meant you. “depositar” (aptly named as he deposits mostly shit) is the funny IP in question. And I think I have seen at least one or two Chinese posters that were interesting and made good responses, so this isn’t a swipe at the Chinese. In fact, they should be as interested in WWII as anyone, since they suffered more than just about anybody…

I think you should take the advice in your own New Year’s thread, and chill with a little New Year’s cheer…preferably of the Molson or Labatts variety…

Well, Ok, I guess I’m a little Jumpy Today. SORRY if I offended anyone. I will log off now for the day. But I had my suspicions so i feel I was justified for expressing my hurt feelings. I still don’t know what Churchill is implying when his quotes at the end of his sentence quotes my name, but if Nick say’'s there’s no witch hunt against me (Again), then I will take this time to really apologize to Mr.Churchill, as i was really shocked he would say things un nice to me. SORRY Mr.Churchill…(Blame it on the beer?)…Have A Great New Year !!

why shouldnt it? all we’re doing is trying to find out the oppion of the other site members.

Opinions are like arrseholes: everybody has a sh1tty one