Banned Members.


Can we un-ban the following members comradesinarms and IRONMAN.

They were just so much fun, we could have a special “mong zone” where you could enter to bait them, but hey couldn;t get out to infect the rest of the site.

Just a thought.

Comradesinarms might have some life in him left as amusement for the members, but there is no way I’m sticking around to moderate if IRONMAN came back. That was just painful!

Well, reading the archive can be pretty funny. Especially since I got him banned at another site…

Come onnnnnn!!! You can’t leave it like that. We want the juicy details (they don’t have to be truthful just juicy :stuck_out_tongue: )

Can we invite the following too…

Irish Duck

Just imagine the fun you could have in the “mong zone”. Arkantos, Irish Duck, comradesinarms and IRONMAN.

It would be mint!!!

Bring back masters like Erwin and Bluff Cove.

I thought Arkantos and Irish Duck were Erwin in disguise… or at least his marginally more deluded younger siblings/schoolfriends. Although on a personal level I wouldn’t really mind having Bluffcove back as I did find him somewhat amusing…

I talked to Bluffcove a couple of months ago…I dont think he is banned. He is welcome to come back as far as I know…and care.

PDF, Arkantos and Irish Duck were definitly two extra people. Both are on various sites, accompanied by Erwin.

They tend to keep their names, Erwin changes his.

Except one time when he came to a web site I was on.

Kinda lookin like we got a couple stalker’s…LOL…

No I like to keep tabs on them. :twisted:

Like I said stalker…why do you feel you must make them your business? Please tell me you have better things to do than follow past members.

I like to see what crazy ass stuff they are writing. Last time I came across them, (about 12 months ago) they were STILL pratteling on about HMS Invincible sinking.

Not so much a stalker, they just pop up from time to time. I don’t go looking for them. If you try googleing they don’t come up. So you can only find them if they are on the website you are on.

It just appears we have similar interests.


Which forum did you get TINWALT banned on? I haven’t seen him anywhere for years. A sociopath like him just can’t keep away from “educating” people…

I don’t know, maybe its just me that feels this way but if you Ban or chase away everyone that has a different opinion from yours or mine, then it becomes a boring site fast. I’ve been on here for a few years now and I’ve seen that happen several times but hey…that seems to be standard operating procedure. That’s my 2 cents.

Yeah, I can remember when it has been pretty dead here. The site seems to be booming now though. It seems like only a few months ago that we had roughly 1,800 members and about 185 active members. As of this post we have 2,381 members and 528 active members. Site activity seems to be up, and unfortunately spamming also.

If I was a betting man, I would say the spam is coming from someone that used to be a member and was chased away.

A hunch or you have a reason for saying that! Names of the spammers are typical! Any info?

Just a hunch…I’ve been here since 2005 and its never been this bad, Someone pissed someone off. I could be wrong and maybe I am but it seems to make sense to me.

If it is they’re using an awful lot of zombie computers all over the globe. We can track the IP addresses of new members and do a DNS lookup on them. They’re spread all over the planet and are typically the IP addresses of known spammers. Doesn’t sound like a banned member to me.

Like I said… I could be wrong and probably am, is there a way for some computer hacker to put a web address on line that attracts spam ?