
Id like to announce the following:

User Dietrich aka Detrich aka Hotchi aka Spetsnaz is hereby banned for life from this site. Any firther reincarnations will be dealt with accordingly. You have to go to an extreme to be banned so quickly here without right to appeal or a time out first but this guy just didnt listen, stuck to his own personal agenda and created several aliases to boot. This site will not tolerate such actions.

The user Stevey14/85 has received a 21 day ban for similar actions, more specifically for repeated insultst. We believe, like others given a time out that stevey14/85 could actually contribute something positive to the site if he tried and he will be given another chance.


WOW. 21 day’s is tough. I only got 14 days when I was banned. Thank god I learned to change my thinking when I saw the light. I truely believe that a time out is the best way to allow someone the chance to change. I believe that if someone truely likes this web site (like the way I do), then they will come back, and they will learn to change. If someone doesn’t like this web site then they won’t come back, and that’s fine.
Mr.Firefly is the Best.He knows how to get results, and he is fair and doesn’t give into peer pressure. Thats why he is the One, The Only…SuperMod!

I see stevey14/88 has been banned for 21 days. Does that mean just the forums? I see his moniker has popped up several times in the picture section. Or is that just a copycat?

The picture section and the forums are entirely seperate and in practice the two share little beyond a name and an admin.

So if he starts his usual death to these people and death to those people and i love the ss in the pic section will that carry over to the forum? Such as perma ban? Or will we still give him benefit of doubt?

There is currently no policy on such things - certainly when this forum started there wasn’t any discussion in the photo area of the site and the forum was it. My inclination would be to treat the photo section as a completely seperate forum and ignore anything said there, but it’s a very good point and I’ll be discussing it with the other mods presently.

Generally spoken the quantity of arguable comments on the photo site has dropped enormously since there’s the need to register.

I had noticed that too. Based on reading pic input. I was just wondering if he had found some way around the ban. Since it’s two different sites basically I see that he can comment on the pics. I just hope he behaves himself.

I hope so but I doubt it, his last comments on the picture site show that he’s very pissed! :mad:

Yes, I just took a look see. Oh well.

You haven’t had to wait long. Stevey just doesn’t WANT to learn.

Since you raised the question of policy above, and since I’d made a proposal in the Hun thread below, I think it’s appropriate to consider making any banning uniform across both sites. Otherwise, as Stevey has demonstrated, it’s pretty meaningless.

EDIT: I also note he is back to calling other posters names again (in this case, myself):

Okay, I just got done going through the posts from this past weekend in the photo section, and I guess the last tatters of my ambivalence about Stevey has finally blown away on a wind of his own making. Be banned here has made no impression on him, at least in regards to the photo section. His behavior is unchanged, especially in regards to racism.

I appreciate that once a decision was made to ban Stevey from here for 3 weeks was made, it isn’t quite fair or proper to change the decision and make it permanent. PERHAPS, once he returns here, he will behave better in the forum, if only because the ability to banish him has been demonstrated. You know, as the joke goes, maybe the 4x4 will have gotten his attention (but I wouldn’t bet on it, even at long odds).

I firmly believe that is his only chance (i.e., the 4x4) at being a member of this forum. In which case, I would like to urge the administrators here to PLEASE ban him from the photo posting section, either permanently or for 3 weeks, or for the rest of his banishment here: I think that is about the only action that stands any hope at all of getting through to him. I don’t know if anybody cares what I think, but there it is…

(Just one example, from

Stevey: “why would someone as pure as a german soldier even think of touching a russian whore herman ?”

Believe me, there are quite a few more if you want to spend the time looking.)

Keep it up ardee. None of steveys posts on the picture site have any historical value (or any value at all). Even when he makes simple remarks they’re baited with racial undertones. I.E. picture of dead German soldier - RIP my white brother. :roll:

Sadly, we have no power over the photo section whatsoever and can only watch and take notes.

Thanks for letting us know pdf27. I’ll try to ignore him as much as possible. Since he knows there will be consequences on the forum site hopefully he’ll be a little more sane here.

Stevey doesn’t like Russians because he is a Russian, simple as that. He wants to pretend to be a German because he thinks it is cool.
Although I myself am a Proud German and I have been to Germany many times East and West, I am ashamed of someone who pretends to be German as Stevey. I don’t know a single German who is of such stout. I think his outlook in life is more twisted than my previous notions on the Atomic bomb. I think he should be allowed to participate in this forum when he is off suspension because this is a democracy and he has the right to participate if he is compliant. Peace out.

Hi pdf27,

Isn’t there any way of even e-mailing the admin of the photo posting section? Otherwise, what’s the point of being “affiliated” (my term) with them/it? I’d asked about policies before, suggesting something uniform across the sites? Is that remotely possible? What exactly IS the relationship between the forum and the photo pages?

Originally, the forum was set up for discussion of topics related to the site and specifically the photo pages. Over time the forum grew, and then at some point (I’ve no idea when, but definately after the start of the forum) the ability to add comments to photos was added to the website.
As for the present situation, I have absolutely no idea. I don’t know who the admin for the photo site is, what their contact details are or what their policies are. So far as I’m aware (unless they’re WW2 Admin, the site owner) they have never posted in the forums.

Hi herman2,

You posted while I was typing. I am not sure what you are referring to re the atomic bomb, so I really can’t comment, nor - so far as I am concerned - does it matter if Stevey is German, Russian, Zulu, or Martian. What does matter (to me) is that he is obnoxious to the point of being odious. Even that could be tolerated, if he showed some ability to learn and behave himself. However, it seems that in this regard his personality is either lacking, or that his abilities to do so (i.e., to learn) are…um, impaired, to say the least. He is like a little child, acting out because it is the only way he knows how to get attention, which is really kind of pathetic and which, along with some of his own posts, says something about his home life. But that’s not the issue – his demonstrated behavior is.

I’ve already said above that whatever I might wish, I felt he should NOT be permanently banned from the forum until such time as he comes back and messes up again. Sadly, I feel that is inevitable; that it is only a matter of time. However, on the chance that I am wrong, I think the only way Stevey would stand even a chance of not getting banned for life would be for him to get more “negative reinforcement,” and QUICKLY, for his behavior on the photo-posting pages. That’s why I was suggesting he be banned from those pages as well, probably but not necessarily on a temporary basis.

In any case, unlike what you said above, I am not sure this site qualifies as a democracy – which is probably well for Stevey, as he would otherwise be sure to be voted into banishment.

Hi pdf27,

Well, maybe contacting WW2 Admin is at least a starting point? He has certainly claimed to have the power to ban individuals permanently from the photo pages.