Barrage balloons - British Forces | Gallery

Barrage balloons

The English Channel coast, 1940.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

So what did they do?

BARRAGE BALLOONS were designed to defend against LOW-LEVEL attack aircraft (the weight of longer cables making them impractical for higher altitudes). They would damage the aircraft on collision with the cables,or at least make the attacking aircraft’s approach more difficult. Some versions carried small explosive charges that would be pulled up against the aircraft to ensure it’s destruction.
To counter the threat of Barrage Balloons the Germans developed the most capable cable-cutting systems attached to their aircraft. As results show, the Balloons were not that effective and the use of manpower and cost could have been more practically utilised.

The cable-cutting system had its disadvantages though. The device was comparatively heavy which had a negative effect on the aircraft’s flight qualities and it reduced the payload of bombs.