Barrage balloons - Soviet Forces | Gallery

Barrage balloons

Barrage balloons around St. Isaac's Cathedral. Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Summer 1942.

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Before the war the dome was a bright gold color. During the siege, it was painted dull gray so the Germans would not use it as an artillery referrence. PS. During the Soviet Era after WWII a large iron fence was put around this beautiful cathedral so as the good communits would not be ‘corrupted’ by religion.

Odd building, at least for where and what it is. The exterior and general layout is neo-classical, in accordance with the tastes of its first patron, Tsar Alexander I. The interior is pure Russian Orthodox in decoration. During the siege its area was defended by heavy antiaircraft guns; I gather an artillery observation post was located in the copula. I understand that the cathedral is still mainly a museum, although Mass is celebrated there on Orthodox high holidays. Best regards, JR.