Battle damage - British Forces | Gallery

Battle damage

A soldier in the tank recovery section of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) examines damage inflicted by an 88mm anti-tank gun to the barrel of a Sherman tank, which is about to be recovered from the battlefield, October 1942. Another shell hit can be seen on the side of the turret. Greetz,brummbar

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I once spoke with an old guy that had served in Italy with the British Columbia Dragoons (Canadian Tank Regiment). He had the dubious honour of being blown up three times. He then discribed his experience while waiting to be reassigned to another tank crew, he worked at tank recovery. He said it was tough when removing dead crew members that had been trapped in burning tanks. He said they pulled apart like cooked chickens. He survived the war to return home to a rather jubliant mother who showed him the "Missing in Action" telegram the Canadian government had sent her after his third incidence of being blown up.