Has anyone ever played in any of the Battle for Europe tournaments? I really love the format, and if you’re a gamer and a WWII fanatic, you’ll probably enjoy them too.
Basically the tourneys set up ‘wars’ with armies, divisions, companies, officers, etc. There’s a big territory map and 12-hour battles are played 2-3 times a week, pitting the Axis vs. Allies, with the winner taking or holding the territory over which the battle was fought. They have servers set up, and use teamspeak for voice communications. Players (from all over the world) come and go all day throughout the battles (so it’s sort of like people get wounded and replacements come in).
It’s pretty cool, most of the divisions are historically based and each ‘campaign’ lasts a month or two (and then everything re-starts with new divisions and officers, and a fresh map). You can earn promotions, medals, etc., as you play.
I think it’s way more fun than public servers. It’s free to join (though some of the campaigns charge players a nominal fee to actually choose a particular side or division rather than being randomly assigned). There are players of all skill levels in the tourneys.
Linkage:[ul][li]Call of Duty/Call of Duty 2: http://bfecod.com/ (If you register here, please put [2]SAS|Pvt.Scotty-[NPA] as your referrer)
[/li][li]Day of Defeat source: http://www.dodstournament.com/
[/li][li]Battlefield 1942: http://bf1942.battleforeurope.com/
[/li][*]Red Orchestra: http://ro.battleforeurope.com/[/ul]