Battle Of Bulge

Anyone saw this movie ? Well i did . Well for a movie like that at the age of been played 1960-70s is a good movie . Too long but good . Well the problems this movie has is that the bursts from the tank’s shells are to fake .
What you think about it

I hate unhistorical movies [that probably means every movie then]. M48’s werent Panthers, the Bulge movie had Chaffees running around M48s and made the whole battle look like it was all about fuel. If it wasnt for a lack of fuel the germans would obviously have won the battle - NOT!

Give me the great escape anyday…

The film is a bit overambitious and silly with the Patton tanks that even most laymen could see don’t look like anything even remotely German. I think they leave a lot out of the battle. In fact, if anything, a lot of the drama in the battle came from combat engineers blowing up bridges, not fuel dumps…

A much better film of the period regarding the Bulge was “Battleground.”


For it’s time, it was a great film. Look back into films made back in the 40’s and you’ll see what I mean. Does the lack of King Tigers and Shermans mean then this film shouldn’t have been made then?

I always think of the M47 Patton tanks as actors wearing customes. They couldn’t get the real thing, so imagine it. At least they had real tanks with action scenes!

Hollywood always hands us it’s bent truth of the story, they feel it makes the film have a plot to follow and it’s more entertaining. I’ve never looked to films as being a source for historical education. It’s just a movie. Compared to todays technology, sure … it could be made better. I doubt it though. What would they use? M1A1’s as King Tigers? :shock:

As a matter of fact, I was bored with what the tube had to offer last night and popped this movie in the DVD player. It and the movie ‘PATTON’ are my favorites. Yeah, they use American tanks as Axis vehicles too, but if they made films based on availablity we would all sit around an wonder why they never made the film.

I bet you guys were shaken but not stired when they switch actors who played agent 007 on you. :mrgreen:



when i voted in the poll i voted for the second option maybe because i hadn’t seen the movie in years, however Battle of the Bulge aired last night and if i could i would change my vote, it wasn’t the presence of Patton tanks that bothered me it was that they were all painted with this spanish army camo that was completely inaccurate as well as all german vehicles being painted solid gray, i can let the actual tank models go because c’mon, where are you gonna get all those operational tanks, some of which probably still belonged to the army at the time, but the massive fight scene at the end looked like it should have been in N Africa, not in -10 weather in the ardennes where there was 10ft of snow

You’re right about that scene in the movie, but it was filled with inaccuracies through out the film anyway. It is not a documentry by any means.

The Battle of the Bulge was not totally fought in the snow, actually it was damp and rainy when the offensive first engaged the Allies. This film was shot in Spain in the mountains and took 8 months to film. Weather was not on their side.

I still think for a movie that’s over 40 years old it’s pretty good for its time. Could it be made better today? Who knows … maybe. I know one thing, it will face a tougher crowd today if they do. :smiley:


totally crap…

where are the Ardennes?
where’s the bad weather?
where are the tanks?
where’s the realism?

driving around in an open car during daylight? at the end of '44 in Belgium/Germany?

any idea who was was ordered to protect that depot?

It’s hard to imagine this is a winter 44-45 battle in the Ardennes…

It was a bad movie and it’s getting worse every time I read/see something about the Battle of the Bulge…

Not one of my favorites, with lots of historical errors and cardboard characters just rather tossed into the mix. Still I’d rather see inaccurate real tanks than cartoonish computer generated ones.

Look a close at Henry Fonda’s M1 Garand when he takes a bead on Robert Shaw at the bridge scene…it has no back sight!

The problem with the film is that its scope is far too broad and almost a strategic retelling of the battle. The best film regarding the Bulge is “Battleground” hands down. Because the film narrowly tracks the war and loss of a platoon around Bastogne rather than attempt to recount (symbolically) the entire battle. They build the characterizations so we actually care about the soldiers, and even paints them with weaknesses and flaws…

One interesting contrast is that you never actually see the German panzers (until one of the last scenes in which they are about to be wiped out in a final stand) and one gets the impression that they are fighting or avoiding monsters in the woods…

fun movie though inaccurate.