Battle of Grozny (1994-1995)

When Russians attacked the Chechen capital of Grozny from December 1994 to January 1995, thousands of civilians died from a week-long series of air raids and artillery bombardment of the sealed-off city. After armored assaults failed, the Russian military set out to pulverize the city into submission. Russian aircraft bombarded Grozny while armored forces and artillery hammered the city from the ground. The Russian assault fell mainly on Grozny’s civilians, mostly ethnic Russians, as most of Chechen civilians manage to flee to Chechen country-side.
The first attack led to heavy Russian casualties and nearly a complete breakdown of morale. Estimated 1,000 to 2,000 soldiers died in the disastrous New Year’s Eve assault alone. All units of the Maikop Brigade sent into the city, numbering more than 1,000 men, were destroyed during the 60-hour fight for, and around, Grozny’s central railway station, leaving only few survivors. Several other Russian armored columns each lost hundreds of men during the first two days and nights of the siege.[3] Many soldiers were captured.

Despite the early Chechen defeat of the New Year assault and many further casualties, Grozny was eventually conquered by Russian forces amidst bitter urban warfare. On January 7, 1995, Russia’s Major-General Viktor Vorobyov was killed by mortar fire; he became the first on a long list of generals to be killed in Chechnya. On January 19, despite heavy casualties, Russian forces seized the ruins of the presidential palace, which had been heavily contested for more than three weeks as Chechens finally abandoned their positions in the destroyed downtown area. The battle for the southern part of the city continued until the official end on March 6, 1995.

By Sergey Kovalev’s estimates, about 27,000 civilians died in five weeks of fighting. Dmitri Volkogonov, the late Russian historian and general, said that Russian military’s bombardment of Grozny killed around 35,000 civilians, including 5,000 children and that the vast majority of those killed were ethnic Russians. Military casualties are not known exactly, though the Russian side admitted to having lost nearly 2,000 killed or missing.[4] International monitors from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe described the scenes as nothing short of an “unimaginable catastrophe,” while German Chancellor Helmut Kohl described the events as “sheer madness.”


Well inspite of our hostility i should agree with you Kato.
Actually the first chechen compaign was the worst.
I know about Maikop Brigade the whole tank brigage ( 42 tank) was fully burned and distracted in the Grozniy in the december of the 1994.
The responsibility for those criminal mistake was make NOBODY.
I know for sure it was a personal ord - the P.Grachev ( the minister of defence)
The stupid way that was lead the first company and the stupidies final - the sign of treaty with bandits and withdrawal of troops from Chechnij get the Islamist the chance to make the new attack on Dagestan in the 1999.
i/m not agree with estimates of Kavalev ( this man was proved to be the lier) but without doubts the victims of civils were a alot. ( i/ve read about 12-13000 of peoples).
BTW not all of them were the victims of war action but at tleas i know the bandits make a Ethnic clearising toward the russian population of Grozny - they killed a lot of peoples ( who were a refuges) after the beginning of the war.
The famouse stoling the peoples and brutally killed them by the cutting off head was a “firm sign” of the bandits.
BTW they killed not only the russian - but also and ather nations and even the western engenears and medics personel.

BTW i know about participation on the side of bandits a Wetern Ukrainian voluantaries who fight for the money( or may be for ideas?). Do you know something about them?

“60 hours Maykopskoy Brigad” Grozny 1994/95-movie

BTW i know about participation on the side of bandits a Wetern Ukrainian voluantaries who fight for the money( or may be for ideas?). Do you know something about them?

According to the investigations launched by Ukrainian police the number of Ukrainian volonteers participated in the first Chechen War flactuated between
300 and 500 hundred people. 80 percent of them came from the South and East of Ukraine as well as from the city of Kyiv. They joined Chechen resistance in accordance with the treaty signed after the negotiation between Chechen President Johar Dudaev and representatives of some Ukrainian non-governmental organizations. Apart from Ukrainian infrantry units it stipulated the participation of Ukrainian pilots and maintenance teams as Chechnia had several squadrons of military planes and helicopters but lacked pilots and technicians. Unfortunately, Russains destroyed all these vehicles on land before Ukrainian pilots came to Chechnya. So there were only Ukrainian infrantry units fighting with Russian troops. Some of Ukrainian volonteers received Chechen medals and the highest Chechen orders " the Honour of the Nation" The participation of Ukrainians in the first Chechen infringed some of Ukrainian laws therefore there are almost no photos covering this topic. There are 2 photos of Ukrainians who defended Groznij in winter. They are almost at the bottom of the page at this address

Yea i knew it.
They fought on terrorists side for the money.Like many other voluntaries from a Baltic states, Turkey, Iordan and other.
I readed the Chechen emissars recruted the voluntaries even in the medium Russia.

Unfortunately, Russains destroyed all these vehicles on land before Ukrainian pilots came to Chechnya.

May be yo wish to say “Unfortunately” Islamic terrorist losed the secon Chechen war;)

Oh what’s a glorious mens in the fotos.The UNA-UHSO voluntaries among the terrorists.
Did they fight for "Independent Ukraine " according tradition of UPA too;)
And what why did they fear to show its faces?

May be yo wish to say “Unfortunately” Islamic terrorist losed the secon Chechen war

The Islamic terrorist didn’t lose the second Chechen war. My impression is that it was Russia that lost the the second war as well as the first one. Is Checnya part of the Russian Federation now? No sober-minded persons will claim that. The territory of Chechnen republic is free from Russian laws and out of reach of all Russian courts. It lives in accordance with its own traditions and laws. Chechnya doesn’t pay any taxes to the Russian budget. Chechens doesn’t serve in the federal troops. On the contrary Moscow pays huge contributions to the present Chechen government for not waging war against Russia and stay content with the de-facto independence of Chechnya. Of course there are lots of Chechens who want to continue the war against Moscow and break away the northern Caucases from Russia. I suppose that the consensus between the Chechen government and its opponents will be found in 4-5 years and a full-scale offensive war against Russia for the seperation of the Northern Caucases will be resumed.

The thing that astonishes me about the Russian government and Putin most of all is how they came to passing all the power in Chechnya to Kadyrov’s clan.
Kadyrov had the biggest number of Russian slaves after the first Chechen war. He excelled all other Chechen War Lords in cruelty and brutality towards Russian POWs and civilians. He and his other relatives personally tortured and executed Russians as real sadists. I wonder how Russian units who protect these people and are actually their mercenaries feel about these facts now?

Some episodes about the Chechen war and Ukrainians involved were described in the book War in Crowd. If you haven’t read it the Russian translation of the book is available here

Well i/m agree the Kadirov’s clan was the worstest in the first Chechen compain.
But this is still a strongest clan of chechens that signed th treaty with the Putin. Well done IMO.
This is a only possible way to calm down the Checnij at this stage of war.
I heared the fear-point about the inevitable new war with Kadirov’s chechnij, but this is a pure fantasy IMO. Coz from one hand the Putin kiss him, from the other - he tryed to prepeare the change for him ( as it probably was with the Kadirov-older). So i will not so sure about “Great war future” for the Chechens.

The main problem of failure the first compain was the inner political crisys in Russia and the decomposion of Army in the mid 1990yy. But this hard time is already behind;)
I/m sure in future the Russian could more succesfully solved the Islamic terrorism problems in Kavkaz.
Even if it will be "unfortunatelly " personaly for you;)
BTW it seems there the Ukraine has no such good perspectives in Cremea with the inevitable future conflict with the Tatars-Islamists.:wink:

Well thanks i will read this, althout i/m not sure for the neitrality and objectivity of point of author.

BTW it seems there the Ukraine has no such good perspectives in Cremea with the inevitable future conflict with the Tatars-Islamists

Well considering the fact that Tartars in the Crimea can hardly make up 20% of the overall population of the peninsula so the prospects for islamists doesn’t look bright. Besides they are assimilated with Slavs to a large extent unlike Chechens so it is often difficult to distinguish them from Slavonic population.

Well thanks i will read this, althout i/m not sure for the neitrality and objectivity of point of author.

The book is not politically charged. It deals with men and their adventures more.