Battle of Stalingrad Memorial

Videos at the Stalingrad Memorial in present day Volgograd:

Battle of Stalingrad Memorial

Memoriale Stalingrado - Volgograd 1

Memoriale Stalingrado - Volgograd 2

Volgograd Pantheon Video

Changing of the Guards

Пактиочкие Ночи (Волгоград)
Monologue at beginning ends about 2:39 on video counter.
Video inside the memorial begins about 4:30 on video counter.

Inside the memorial a recording of a choir singing “Träumerei” (Dreaming)
by German composer Robert Schumann plays continuously in the background.

Stalingrad 1942/43-Stalingrad Today
Songs are “The Sacred War” and the Soviet National Anthem.

Traumerei Schumann (piano)

Robert Schumann - Traumerei (cello)

Robert Schumann - Traumerei, for Violin and Orchestra (violin)

Horowitz plays SchumannTraumerei in Moscow (piano)

Nice post George.As any other your informative post.
I was twice in Volgograd and was impressed by the Giant Monument of Mother Russia.
It is higher than famouse the Freedom statue in New-York.:slight_smile:

That is impressive my friend, very excellent indeed. are there any other monuments to that battle?

Thanks Chevan :slight_smile:

The entire Stalingrad Memorial complex is quite impressive in my opinion. I get a sense of reverence, awe, and sadness. And I am reminded of the tremendous sacrifices and suffering that took place during that time… so many lives lost.

I think you are correct that the Mother Russia statue is taller than the Statue of Liberty. She is a very beautiful statue.

I have never been there before, but first saw the memorial in a National Geographic television special during the 1970’s. I was very moved by the atmosphere created inside the memorial with the choir recording playing Schumann’s Traumerei softly in the background, the sounds of birds chirping and echoing inside, the eternal flame, and the changing of the guard. Almost all of the visiting veterans in the TV program were misty eyed or in tears when they spoke of their experiences during the battle. It was a very emotional experience for them and I was deeply touched.

Some other impressions:

Still mortal remains -russian and german- are found these days

German military cemetery of Rossoschka, some 30km (19 miles) north-west of Volgograd. 40000 german soldiers are resting here

The eternal flame of remembrance inside of the Stalingrad monument on the Mamayev hill in Wolgograd

…and some more:

The giant monument of Mother Russia is not only bigger than Lady Liberty, it’s the biggest concrete statue in the world!

These stairs and the colomns were actually build by german POWs after the war.

Photos by

There are a about 13 memorial complexs mate.
4 of them constantly works.It should be a great job for your PHOTOCAMERA;)
Stalingrad battle prodused a handreds of heroes, to many of them there were installed the monuments.
There is the link on the official site of Main PAnoramic museum
and some photos.
This is whole complex from air.

Very likely .
The city , destroyed by GErman aviation since august 1942 has been partly rebuild by germans POWs.

A wonderful place it is. And, before I get too old, my camera and I will have to make a visit to your land.

You have to visit my land long time ago:)
Just buy a ticket and fly in Krasnodar for couple of weeks. All the rest i promise to organize to you.

It really looks like a beautiful place, I always think about white plains and snow storms when I imagine Stalingrad/Volgograd. I’d love to go there too. Just checked, it’s just about 3290km (2044 miles) by car from my place…

Maybe Hitler should have checked the mileage too!:mrgreen: (would have saved a lot of lives)

That is a very impressive place to say the least. It’s someplace that I would like to visit if I ever get the opportunity to go to Europe. The statue of Mother Russia is unbelievable!

not really that much …by a Luftgansa:)
I would like to meet all you guyes once HERE in the place of honour of OUR GREAT ancestors. ( germans have much to care about it. Finally , it was a one of the strongest german 6-army that fought and died here.)

Certainly! But actually he didn’t want to go much further. The strategic goal of “Barbarossa” was the city of Astrahan (in the southern sector), “only” 400km (~250 miles) away from Stalingrad.

Was this to cut off the caucausus oil fields? And to get ports for materials transports? Meaning going to Astrahan.

Not that complex, they just drew a imaginary line through the Soviet Union from Archangelsk in the north to Astrahan in the south. This “AA-line” was meant to provide a “shielding against the asian Russia”.