battlefield 1942 game room?

Do you think we should open a game room in the battlefield 1942 game room, we can list the timetable of when users can log in to host the server, so players can come in and play?

if thats not possible, we can set up a timetable so that we can play that game together in the same time

Thats a very good idea, FW. I think we should. Do you mean setting up a server on Gamespy? Because you can set up a password that way only members of WWII IC can join the game.

yeah, thats the idea
but if no one can host the server, its still okay because we can just say which server to enter and put up an exact time, so that we can play with each other without hosting a server

Make it happen, cap’n.

Hey btw that forgotten hope mod for BF1942 is pretty cool. Has a few bugs here and the but I like it alot.

i think we should start playing together
i am going to play bf1942 in friday or saturday in the only secret of weapon game room in bf1942 server

Friday or Saturday
Toronto time 7:00pm
Hong Kong time 8:00am
Seattle time 4:00pm
(notice they are all in the same time, just different area)

Why dont you just make it board time?

friday or saturday
6:00pm board time
my nickname is either Todd Bertuzzi, FW-190 Pilot, Erwin Rommel, or UFO spotted in your ass


is nobody interested? or the time zone is different? or nobody has the game?

Honest i never play bf42 on the MP ,i just sometimes play CoD on MP and thats it and maybe now NFS Most Wanted. :wink:

Battlefield is very very good IF there are enough players! :slight_smile:

I have BF1942, but if fails in comparisson to CoD MP. Yeah planes, so what :confused: anyways, most BF1942’ers have gone onto BF2

Good idea FW… i would play… if my Battlefield 1942 would work…

Not just planes buddy…were talking about ships, mobile artillery. The whole 9 yards. BF42>CoD

Anyways, count me in this. I have xifre and my addy is creepingdeath1984. My favorite server to play on is the 5th marines server which has 24/7 midway. I freakin pwn with the zero or mustang. I credit that due to the fact that I have a joystick to fly, making it easier to kill. :smiley:

It’s a shame that I am a rock in computer themes… I don’t know how to play BF in the net, and my PC is full, I think she couldn’t stand another programme.

I would love to play with us, but I have to say it is impossible.-


i like that idea but my comp is too slow so for know im playen ww2 and civil war games on my x box 360

but i did find a war game on the comp called wolfenstine it was wild game and based on the major battles of ww2

Oh you are very versatile person:):slight_smile:
I’m never played in MP BF1942 but i think it should be great. I just play sometimes in MedalOfHonnor MP , this is very fascinating process.
My unregistered copy of CoD2 also don’t let to play in MP.
How can i connect to the your BF42-server. Is IP-adress needed??

But why, the P-51 D’s are the best plane EVER!!!