Battlefield 1942: The Secret Weapons of WWII

In Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII, you control the most bizarre and lethal top-secret weapons of the Second World War. Straight from Allied and Axis laboratories, many of these weapons never saw combat until now! Defeat your enemies with a variety of experimental firepower, including the Wasserfall Guided Rocket, the Natter Rocket Plane, and the revolutionary Rocket Pack. Here’s your chance to take the experiments out of the lab and into combat. A truly excellent game. I highly reccommend it.

i play it in the internet cafe,because,i lost the cd,i love that game,it´s great!,the best of the best,its between the most funny games.

i love bf1942, think its top 5 games imo.

as for this mod, i dunno, its kinda weird, not many maps were added sadly, but they have new vehicles

Tigers Source:;19;/software_information.html

Ive heard that Secret Weapons is a really good game, but it is lacking some realism. So how realistic is that game?

as realistic as bf1942.

if ur talking bout the things they added being historically accurate i have no clue.

that is a pretty good game, but only a few expermiment weapon are being used, i am so diappointed that they dont have me262, V-1 rockets, X-7 radio control missiles for the german. British jet metor, or whatever good comes from american

I remembered when BF 42’ first came out. I was :P. A game where you could take a sub into enemy waters above or under the surface, fly a bomber over an enemy airfield, or plant landmines around enemy vehicles. I loved it my friend and I use to have dogfights in Midway it was all sorts of fun. Then came all the expansions that had probably a few more maps and a new class to be. I played the demo for secret weapons and it was fun but I lost interests and went back to the original until I got into the whole Desert Combat thing. :smiley:

Same here but i got the game and had a little more fun with it coming back after i got bored with DC, then i got back into BF1942 then DC and the process started over again :lol:

I never play but now when i saw your posts i must play .

Battlfield 1942 is a bit old when i play it even though it was a brilliant game at the time when it came out and it still is pretty cool.