
One of my favorite war movies in on today. Battleground starred Van Johnson, James Whitmore, and even a young Ricardo Montalban. A worthy film about the 101st at Bastogne…

It is simple, unsentimental and focuses on the experiences of the regular infantry thrown unexpectedly into combat during the Battle of the Bulge…

Hell yes, this movie rules! It’s one of my favorite black and white WW2 movies, far superior than many splashier WW2 films in B&W or color. This movie has a great atmosphere to it, and even though there is no cursing, the interaction between soldiers feels particularly genuine. 101st vets trained the actors, and some of the actors were WW2 vets themselves. Great movie!

this i gotta see, thanks for the info

If your interested in that era of movie, which often cast actors who were also veterans try A walk in the sun, it’s one of my mother loving favorites. Whoever wrote the sceen play must have spent time at the pointy end as the suffix mother loving is used in almost every sentence and is an obvious euphamisim for a more chaucerian venacular.