Battlespace :Unrealities of War: Exhibition

Hey everybody,

I found a really interesting site, called Battlespace, which hosts an ‘Unrealities of War’ Exhibition.

It’s just that. Images taken by embedded journalists which range anywhere from ‘cool’ over ‘surreal’ to ‘chilling’ and ‘shocking’

To take a look at it, click the Enter Exhibition button on the Upper Left corner.


Some images might appear familiar, others show things you’ll never see in American or European media, though they are part of the War just like everything else…

You might need to update your Flash Player, and make sure you turn on your Sound, the music adds a lot to the atmosphere. Also, your Pop-Up Blocker might try to block the Exhibition Window at first.

Wow, graphic indeed, those poor souls.

Man, I can believe that war is still going on. It’s time for it to end.

It’s from both Iraq and Afghanistan. If you want more info about individual images, just click the names of the photographers underneath, and you can look at each of their photos together with a short description of what happened/what you see.

There’s also a couple of pictures attached to individual photographer’s names that aren’t in the actual exhibition.