BBC 2 now

could be somthing good on cold war spy on now 23:27

Well seeing as no one has replied so far to this room I will post one :slight_smile:

I didn’t know the BBC was in WW2, did it play a important role at all or was it quiet news back then ?

The BBC was pretty much the only source of news in the war mate, the other being the newsreels shown at the cinema. The BBC was the only broadcaster in the UK at the time, from what I can gather.

The World service was possibly the only free and secure station to be able to broadcast to western Europe during the War. Any other stations in Europe were either controlled by, or censored (at times violently) by the German chaps and Chapesses.

ha thats really interesting, i Watch the BBC every day after work on my Foxtel Telly.

The original post related to a time relevant item on the training of Russian speakers at eth end and for about 15 years after the war. A number of quite well known faces went through the national service as “spies”. Their main task was sigin but also to look through documents obtained from the soviets and translate them. It would appear that the Russians did not have a high regard for paper security and their rubbish produced a lot of info. One of the prime sources of info was toilet paper. It would seem that the soviet army was not given toilet paper when on exercise and so used any paper they could get their hands on. Orders, manuals, sig instructions were all used and discarded and found their way back to the UK/BAOR for closer scrutiny.

Bet that was a fun job

It was a good programme and the BBC link is worth a read.

Bet that was a fun job[/quote]

Just imagine the deciphering!

3rd guards Shock Army to move to Winnit and deploy into Winnit smear, Col Timoshenko is to head Operation Big Jobbie!

Oh the fun they must have had.

Bet that was a fun job[/quote]

Just imagine the deciphering!

3rd guards Shock Army to move to Winnit and deploy into Winnit smear, Col Timoshenko is to head Operation Big Jobbie!

Oh the fun they must have had.[/quote]

I never knew the Russians didn’t have Toilet paper,A russian private takes Stalins war plans and uses that for toilet paper or something, but OUCH that would of been quite rough on your behind.

Especially the scorched earth policy.

haha I reckon :shock: